This time of year allows our thoughts to turn to mothering and nurturing.
On a recent walk, Tristan and Sabrina share about the “mothering quality.” This energy that allows both strength and softness – whatever is appropriate to the moment.
Whether the moment calls you to “sing like a bird” or “crash like thunder,” there is always a blend. A balance. A dance.

Where does this mothering quality show up?
Have you had a good example of it in your own life? Or have you been called to BE that example?
Maybe if you haven’t been called yet… consider THIS is that call!
And the beauty is that you don’t have to go out and find someone to mother. You can allow that energy with yourself in each moment.
See how you feel about that… do you find it easier to tap into that nurturing, loving energy with others than you do to share it with yourself?
Please feel free to share what mothering energy in your own life inspires you, or any questions or comments that come up for you in the comment section below.
Awesome! Thankyou! Soft is strong. 🙂 <3
<3 Absolutely, Rhae! :),s Faustin kidibu who visited you thanks for what you are doing to raise the energy of our world in need of healing.may God bless you .