How to Connect with Your Audience DEEPLY (and Emotionally)

These days, entrepreneurs and small business owners hear about 2 things over and over again: the power of VIDEO and CONNECTION.

Facebook just held its second Quarter earnings call and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, declared that watching VIDEOS now accounts for almost HALF of all time that people spend on Facebook.

And, we absolutely agree that video is ESSENTIAL these days! BUT… getting out there on video is only half the battle! The most IMPORTANT component to your video (and why video works so well as a medium) is CONNECTION!

And that’s why in this week’s episode of the Marketing, Mindset and Moolah Show, we’ll be diving into the 3 most important questions you can use to deeply (and emotionally) connect with your audience. (this is powerful stuff!)

And that’s why we call this training, “How to Connect with Your Audience DEEPLY (and Emotionally)” From our own personal experience, we’re using the 3 questions we ask people that have just joined our ongoing classes – in order to really connect with them and serve them better.

Click below to watch the show: (OR, if you prefer to LISTEN, you can CLICK HERE to jump to the bottom of the page to enjoy the audio only version)

Watch us implement our digital marketing strategy in real time!

You’ll not only get to watch the digital marketing strategies we share – AND see how effective they are… AS IT’S HAPPENING… but you’ll also get to join us on our 5 Day Energy Detox and Reboot Challenge.

It’s a 5 Day Virtual Event – focused on FAST & EASY ways to Clear Toxic Energy Blocks that Lead to Poor Health, Stiffness, Aches, Worry, Fear & Uncertainty!

PLUS, when you register, you’ll also get a free copy of “Qigong for Beginners.”

Join us for this free event AND get our new “Qigong for Beginners” program AND watch our “lead with the heart” digital marketing strategy at work!


There’s a lot of great information in this show – but if you want the “cliff notes” version of what we covered, here’s a quick recap:

As important as VIDEO is to include in your marketing efforts, CONNECTION is even more important!

Well, we 100% believe that CONNECTION is the secret sauce to building your perfect audience – and finding your perfect audience results in lots of soul-fit followers, high engagement in your post comments, lots of shares, watches of your videos, people signing up for your email list and ultimately having great sales!

Do you know the real problem that people have when they try to build an audience? NOT connecting with their audience Deeply enough (AND Emotionally enough)

I believe, and I have come to know, that moving forward at this time in history if you do not have social media you are lacking the ability to KEEP your business… [it’s] going to be the conduit of all sales, business and clients. ~ Jasmine Star, one of the leading social media strategists

BUT we all know that just having a social media account is NOT enough. Whatever social platform they’re on (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) the ones winning the game are those who TRULY know how to CONNECT!

But you’ll see how easy it is to apply this exact same method using any media or in any interaction with your client or customers!

  • You can use it on a workshop registration (at the door or when they register online).
  • You can use it in in the “discovery” phase when you’re on the call with your prospective client.
  • You can use it when people call for more information about the services you have to offer.

Really understand that!  You can use this technique at any touch-point you have with a customer (or potential customer) in order to really connect with them and find out how you can serve them better!

And it all starts by finding just 3 simple questions to instantly connect with your clients and let you know what’s happening in the hearts and minds of your right-fit clients.

#1 – The Biggest Mistake!

The biggest mistake people make with this is that they focus on a DEMOgraphic profile. When you want to be focused on a PSYCHOgraphic profile.

Demographics are the quantifiable statistics of a particular population (ie. gender, age, regional location, etc.)

Psychographics refer to the information about a person’s attitudes, aspirations and other things that make up their “psyche” like their values; personality, lifestyle, opinions and interests.

Think of demographics as the bare basics that someone could find with a cursory search about you (name, rank and serial number 🙂   Psychographics are generally much deeper.  

People usually feel that questions of a more psychographic nature, are much more about them… who they REALLY are. So, if you want to connect with them, that’s the type of information you need to know (and that they should think you WANT to know.)

#2 – How To Choose The Right Questions
We’ve already said that the when and where you ask your questions is a wide open field.  This method of connecting with your clients can help in many different situations and media. But what should you ask?

The key to the questions you ask is that you want to get the biggest bank for your buck.  You only have 3 questions, so what are the questions that are going to best let you know what’s going on with them and how you can help them.

In the video, we go over the questions we use and why we chose those questions, but the top strategy we use for each question is:

  1. What is the TOP challenge, question or concern they have?
    This is the most important question so it’s right at the top. This is their problem, the thing that’s bugging them, and the primary thing they are hoping you can help with. It’s likely their highest motivating factor in seeking you out.


  2. What is the thing you’re MOST excited to develop?
    This question taps into their hopes and dreams. Most people have a hard time with “big dreams” so they’ll basically be telling you their ideal solution to the problem they told you in Question 1.
    Notice that we include phrases like “the TOP challenge” and “MOST excited to” in our questions.   It’s important for this quick method that you use the fact that they know they’re situation much better than you do.  They likely have multiple issues or concerns, but you’re letting them use their own intelligence to pick the one most important to them.  As your relationship deepens, you might work together to find out there are underlying or more subtle issues at play, but right now, this is what they are aware of and is of the most concern, so that’s what they are looking to CONNECT with you about.


  3. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
    This is really important.  You give THEM the responsibility and power of deciding at what level they’d like to connect with you but you also open the door to the fact that you’re really listening to them.  They may have no one else to share about some things and knowing that you are interested and willing to listen is HUGE!!

Because our own questions we give are examples that we ask when a new members of our Life Force Mastery Dojo joins our private Facebook group, we also go over this tool we’ve found that really help us with collecting that information.  It’s called GroupConvert and you can read more about it here.

And that’s really all there is to it!  Of course, in the video we go over our own examples in more detail, and how your situation might differ. But this is the “nutshell version” of the method we use to craft questions that really connect with a new client or customer.

And that’s the quickest, easiest and most simple way we’ve found in “How to Connect with Your Audience DEEPLY (and Emotionally)” It’s a look into how WE do it, and how you can do the same thing (and how you might take the general idea and adapt it for your own unique situation.)

Remember that you can register for our 5 Day Energy Event yourself and watch how it unfolds — watch exactly what we do and how we do it. You’ll see a lot of what we shared with you in this training and maybe it’ll give you ideas of what YOU can do in your own digital marketing strategy.  Plus, the event itself is going to be AWESOME!!

BTW, if you’re on Facebook and you’d like to join the conversation from this episode, you can find that Show post here. We’d love to know if you heard something you liked or if you were inspired and got an idea of something you’re going to implement! Come say hi and feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the chat.


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