Top Livestream Secrets That Convert

Want to jump on the HOTTEST way to currently start or up-size your business using Social Media – but you just don’t know how? 

Well you’re going to love this episode of the Marketing, Mindset and Moolah Show where we dive into Our Top Live Stream Secrets to Both Build an Audience and Convert Your Fans to Clients!

It seems like everyone these days is talking about Live Streaming (aka Going Live). That’s because they know with the HUGE expansion in video streaming it’s currently the #1 to grow your business online!

But it doesn’t mean that just because you Go Live your business will thrive! You have to know how to Live Stream correctly.

One of the BIGGEST keys in using Live Streaming successfully is if it leads to growing your audience, your email list AND of course your bank account!

Well, the good news is that you can make your Live Streams SUPER SIMPLE… and you don’t need a bunch of fancy equipment or complicated technology.

For years we taught classes and delivered online workshops using just an iPad and an iPhone. Eventually, we even hit 6-figures a month in sales from Live Streaming on an iPad!

These “secrets” have made all the difference for us in growing our business – and they can work for you too!! 

“The live streaming industry grew by 99% between April 2019 and April 2020.”

Click below to watch the show: (OR, if you prefer to LISTEN, you can CLICK HERE to jump to the bottom of the page to enjoy the audio only version)

Want a free copy of our Ultimate Go Live Checklist?

We created our own “Ultimate Go-Live Checklist” that gives you a step-by-step checklist of everything you need to know Before, During and After your Go Live to really get the MOST out of it!

By using this checklist to walk you through exactly what you need to do before, during and after your live broadcast – you can create a livestream that’s custom-designed to grow your business, attract perfect clients and increase your revenue!

To get this download, go here and sign up NOW!


We know it can seem overwhelming at first when you think about Live Streaming for the first time – but if you took notes from the show then you probably realized we broke down our Live Streaming Secrets into 3 simple categories for you:

#1 – PREPARE with Purpose (Minute Marker 4:11)
There are a lot of elements to a successful LIVE broadcast. But that’s GREAT! That means there are lots of ways you can prepare before you ever Go Live. And we go over a lot of them for you. Whether it’s Setting your Intention, or Prepping the Tech, or Sending out Invites, or Customizing your Messaging – there are simple “shifts” you can do to really have a GREAT IMPACT!

15:38 Blooper Moment! A hilarious Husband and Wife conversation that I thought the editor would remove! LOL

“Professionals anticipate that 82% of internet use will be for streaming LIVE video by 2022.” (Cisco, 2021).

#2 – CONVERSATIONS that CONNECT and CONVERT! (Minute Marker 16:37)

There is a lot you can do during preparation to make sure your message connects. But there also are things you can do WHILE you’re LIVE to really connect!

You’ll find your own strength with this, but there are some tips that you can keep in mind that help you AUTOMATICALLY connect with your audience.

For example, the way to engage the LIVE viewers as well as the replay peeps, how to make virtual eye contact, how to “Bounce” to create a conversation rather than a monologue, how to help your viewer feel comfortable responding and reacting to you, and becoming aware if “resting itch face”!

“Live videos hold users’ attention up to 20x longer than pre-recorded video, or ‘on-demand’ video content!”

 Watch the show and try out our Top Tips to see how they work for you!

#3 – LEVERAGE your STREAM! (Minute Marker 32:01)

Don’t just say goodbye and that’s it! One of the biggest benefits to a Livestream is that it keeps living on after it’s not live anymore. Sabrina calls it “The After-Life of your LIVE” 🙂

If you’ve done it right, your footage is great content that lives on!  The REPLAY is still fun, it still helps you connect to your audience and it can STILL WORK FOR YOU.

Here are a few ways you can leverage your Livestream:

  • Share it in other places
  • Add a Call-to-action link to the replay description
  • Email your list the link to watch
  • Boost the post on facebook
  • Cut it into shorter snippets for social media
  • Use it as Bonus for a paid program
  • Package several free live workshops into a paid bundle
  • Use it as Lead Magnets,
  • Use it at the top of sales page
  • Use it to figure out what your peeps LOVE and what they don’t!

Live Streaming is a Legitimate way to grow your business – and this is the perfect time to jump in! We recommend you get started LEVERAGING your LIVESTREAM — TODAY!

“Videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than texts and images.”

If you want all of the tips, tricks and tactics we employ on a regular bases then be sure to grab a copy of our FREE Live Streaming resource – The Ultimate Facebook™ Go Live Checklist – it will walk you through exactly what you need to do before, during and after your live broadcast!

BTW, if you’re on Facebook and you’d like to join the conversation from this episode, you can find that Show post here. We’d love to know if you heard something you liked or if you were inspired and got an idea of something you’re going to implement! Come say hi and feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the chat! 


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