We all know that physical movement is good for your body… B UT…
Did you know that specific movements that unblock your body’s energy pathways can help you deal with depression, anxiety, and stress?
And that this same “unblocking” approach can help enhance your mental clarity and UNLOCK a better mood?!!
In this episode, we dive into ways you can easily implement more of these “unblocking” and “unlocking” methods to quickly bring more JOY into your life!
Click below to watch the show: (OR, if you prefer to LISTEN, you can CLICK HERE to jump to the bottom of the page to enjoy the audio only version)
Want a free copy of our Ultimate Go Live Checklist?
We created our own “Ultimate Go-Live Checklist” that gives you a step-by-step checklist of everything you need to know Before, During and After your Go Live to really get the MOST out of it!
By using this checklist to walk you through exactly what you need to do before, during and after your live broadcast – you can create a livestream that’s custom-designed to grow your business, attract perfect clients and increase your revenue!
To get this download, go here and sign up NOW!
As we mention in the episode, we were invited to be featured speakers in Debra and Natalie’s upcoming Mega-Event called “Rockin’ Your Life at Any Age Summit”.
This free event is an incredible opportunity to learn simple, powerful, and practical tools from some of the world’s most revered teachers. So hurry and register for the event while it’s available!
Isn’t this interesting when you consider this question through the lens of Energy and Alignment? You could even call it “The Law of Alignment”.
Everything that manifests in life is a reflection of what you are Energetically projecting and expecting into The Field. (more on this during the show)
Your Energetic projections and expectations are a culmination of what you are thinking, saying, and most importantly FEELING – on an everyday basis.
So dependent upon what you are projecting MOST OFTEN, your outer world will tend to reflect that back to you.
In this episode, we share about the Alignment part of this conversation at its root – Love VS Fear.
If you are feeling motivated by fear (and any of its multiple faces – worry, anger, jealousy, etc) —and you Energetically align to that on the regular, well you know how that goes, conversely when Aligning to Love 💖
Most humans have experienced lots of “not so nice manifestations” over the years, and that’s trained us to live out of “Alignment” – but during tonight’s show we’ll help you to see how to use these experiences as “teachers or guides” regarding “The Law of Alignment”.
And most importantly be discussing how to maintain motivation from Love (i.e. gratitude, generosity, compassion)…. PLUS what are the very best ways to hold an Energetic Alignment to Love so we can cultivate beautiful, joyful lives?