Everyone has felt stuck at on point or another. What do you do when you feel stuck? What do you do when you don’t have any good ideas? Or things seem boring? Or empty? Even pointless?
For many the idea of making a change seems overwhelming and you don’t know where or how to begin. Perhaps you feel ashamed that a part of you doesn’t even care. Procrastination seeps in and life starts slipping by. And you just can’t find the drive to get “it” done. Yikes!
As we get older there are no longer teachers holding us accountable, or other students to model. No one is grading us, so what is the point? How do you even know if you’re doing a good job or not? In today’s world, who do you have to look up to?
The good news is: feeling stuck is simply a signal to pay attention. And because so many people have reached out to us about this feeling we want to discuss this topic on this episode of the Trisbrina Show and dive deep into real-world, practical and actionable solutions!
Click below to watch the show: (OR, if you prefer to LISTEN, you can CLICK HERE to jump to the bottom of the page to enjoy the audio only version)
Want a free copy of our Ultimate Go Live Checklist?
We created our own “Ultimate Go-Live Checklist” that gives you a step-by-step checklist of everything you need to know Before, During and After your Go Live to really get the MOST out of it!
By using this checklist to walk you through exactly what you need to do before, during and after your live broadcast – you can create a livestream that’s custom-designed to grow your business, attract perfect clients and increase your revenue!
To get this download, go here and sign up NOW!
As we mention in the episode, we were invited to be featured speakers in Debra and Natalie’s upcoming Mega-Event called “Rockin’ Your Life at Any Age Summit”.
This free event is an incredible opportunity to learn simple, powerful, and practical tools from some of the world’s most revered teachers. So hurry and register for the event while it’s available!