Whether you’re a business owner, or mom, or “coach”… you’re often expected to be almost superhuman to those around you. And you usually rise to the occasion because that’s just who you are 🙂
BUT sometimes, you really don’t feel that confident and you hesitate to put yourself 100% out there. Why? Because you’re unsure of what to say and who to be… you’re battling insecurities, or the fear of being judged by others, or maybe being “not enough”.
In this video, I’ll share with you what goes on inside my head (and heart) and the ways that I shift those thoughts into fuel to move forward!
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I hope you can use my little ‘shifts’ for yourself moving forward! But how about you? Have you found things that work for YOU to let you pivot into more confidence? We’d love to hear about them! Please leave us a comment below.