How Do I Whitelist Email from Satori Method?
How to Make Sure You Get What You Ordered?
Many Internet service providers and email providers have filtering systems or mail blocking in place to protect you from unsolicited or unwanted email. Unfortunately, these same systems often prevent email that you want to receive from reaching you! Whitelisting our email addresses will ensure that the email you have requested from us will reach you.
Please follow the instructions below for your required email client.
Generally, all you need to do is to add the following email addresses to your address book: [email protected]
If you are using spam filtering software, you should also enter the above email address into your filtering software whitelist, according to the specific instructions for the software you are using.
Your email address – potential delivery problems.
Unfortunately, even after whitelisting it is sometimes necessary to use a different or new email address to ensure you receive everything you need to. If you haven’t received our ‘welcome’ email we suggest you get a free gmail or googlemail account (we use these and haven’t had any problems). Please try to avoid using a Hotmail or Yahoo email address because they block far too many emails. You can get a free gmail or google mail (they’re the same and the name they use depends on the country you’re in) from http://mail.google.com/mail/signup
GMAIL USERS – Check Inbox & Spam Folder (or your Promotions Tab)
You can Drag an email into your Inbox to move it there. ** If you’re using the Gmail app on your phone, they call it “changing the label” of the email. If you change the label to “Inbox” it will show up there.
Here’s how to add us to your Gmail whitelist:
- Follow the Settings link in Gmail.
- Go to Filters.
- Click Create a new filter.
- Type the desired email address under From:.
- Type just the domain name or the domain name preceded by ‘@’. To whitelist “satorimethod.com”, for instance, type “@satorimethod.com” (not including the quotation marks).
- Click Next Step ››.
- You can click Test Search before, of course, to make sure you did not mistype.
- Make sure Never send it to Spam is checked.
YAHOO USERS – Check Inbox & Bulk Folder
NOTE: Yahoo Services are often unreliable. It sometimes takes hours or even up to 4 days to get a confirmation email from yahoo. If you continue to have problems, it may be that yahoo is blocking the emails and you might need to consider using a non yahoo email. But here’s how to add us to your Yahoo whitelist:
- Open your Yahoo mailbox
- Click “Mail Options“
- Click “Filters“
- Next, click “Add Filter“
- In the top row, labeled “From Header:” make sure “contains” is selected.
- Click in the text box next to that drop-down menu, and enter “satorimethod.com” in the “From” line of our e-mail message (Please select the e-mail address from the list provided)
- At the bottom, where it says “Move the message to:” select “Inbox” from the menu.
- Click the “Add Filter” button again.
AOL USERS – Check Inbox & Spam Folder
If you’re using AOL, here’s how to receive our emails:
- Go to “Mail Controls”
- Select the screen name we’re sending your e-mail to
- Click “Customize Mail Controls For This Screen name.”
- For AOL version 7.0: In the section for “exclusion and inclusion parameters”, include this domain: satorimethod.com.
- For AOL version 8.0 & Above: Select “Allow e-mail from all AOL members, e-mail addresses and domains”. Then…
- Click “Next” until the Save button shows up at the bottom
- Click “Save.”
HOTMAIL USERS – Check Inbox & Junk Folder
To receive our emails with Hotmail, please check your inbox and junk folders. Follow these steps if you’re having trouble:
- Click the “Options” tab”Mail
- Under “Mail Handling” select “Safe List”
- In the space provided, enter satorimethod.com to tell them who our emails come “From”
To whitelist our address in Outlook you need to add [email protected] to your Safe Senders List.
1. On the Tools menu, click Options
2. On the Preferences tab, click Junk E-mail
3. On the Safe Senders tab, click Add
4. Add [email protected] where it says “Add address“
5. Click OK
To whitelist our address in Outlook 2012 you need to add [email protected] to your Safe Senders List.
1. Right-click on the message from Satori Method (or any email from a sender you want to whitelist).
2. From the drop-down list, select Junk E-mail.
3. Select Add Sender to Safe Senders List.
4. Click OK.
To whitelist our address in Apple Mail and add [email protected] to your Safe Senders List.
1. First, if email from [email protected] ends up in your junk folder, highlight or open it and click “Not Junk” at the top of your screen.
2. Go to Mail > Preferences from your Mail menu
3. Go to the Rules tab
4. Select Add Rule
5. Give this rule a name such as “Satori Method”
6. Create a rule that says “If any of the following conditions are met: ‘From’ ‘Contains'” and then paste in “[email protected]”
7. From the actions, select ‘Move message’ to mailbox ‘Inbox’.
8. Click “OK“.
To whitelist in Thunderbird, you need to add [email protected] to your address book, and then set up your Thunderbird Junk Mail Controls.
1. First, if you find email from [email protected] in your Junk folder, right-click on our email and choose “Mark as Not Junk“
2. Next, click the Address Book button
3. Highlight the Personal Address Book
4. Click on “New Card“
5. In the “Contact” tab of the new card, copy and paste [email protected] to the email dialog box
6. Click “Ok“
7. Next, to whitelist your address book, select “Tools > Junk Mail Controls” from the drop down menu
8. Update the “White Lists” module under the “Settings” tab by selecting “Personal Address Book” from the drop down menu, and then check the box next to “Do not mark messages as junk mail“
9. Click “Ok“
FAQ: How Do I Whitelist Email from Satori Method?
or “How to Make Sure You Get What You Ordered.”
Many Internet service providers and email providers have filtering systems or mail blocking in place to protect you from unsolicited or unwanted email. Unfortunately, these same systems often prevent email that you want to receive from reaching you! Whitelisting our email addresses will ensure that the email you have requested from us will reach you.
Please follow the instructions below for your required email client.
Generally, all you need to do is to add the following email addresses to your address book: [email protected]
If you are using spam filtering software, you should also enter the above email address into your filtering software whitelist, according to the specific instructions for the software you are using.
Your email address – potential delivery problems.
Unfortunately, even after whitelisting it is sometimes necessary to use a different or new email address to ensure you receive everything you need to. If you haven’t received our ‘welcome’ email we suggest you get a free gmail or googlemail account (we use these and haven’t had any problems). Please try to avoid using a Hotmail or Yahoo email address because they block far too many emails. You can get a free gmail or google mail (they’re the same and the name they use depends on the country you’re in) from http://mail.google.com/mail/signup