Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
For New Customers

Here are the most commonly asked questions when getting started with our programs. Please click the plus signs below to read more.

Who is Trisbrina?

The story behind the name, Trisbrina, and why we use that to refer to Tristan and Sabrina is interesting. This simplest way to understand who we are and why we do what we do is to watch the video we made that we call, The Hero’s Healing Journey.  You can find it here, at the very top of our website’s home page.

Depending on your order, you might receive several emails from us, but don’t get overwhelmed… each email is designed to help you. If you spend a few minutes reading these emails, it can save you a lot of time later. By knowing what to look for in each email, you’ll be able to make sure you got everything you ordered and that your order processed correctly. (If you don’t see an email you are expecting, that should be a red flag to you so that you can bring it to our attention immediately!) Please feel free to reply to any of our emails and let us know if you have any questions.

Let’s start with the first email that you should see:

  1. Immediately after you order you should get an email that has your order receipt. It is titled “Thank you for your order” and it contains all of your order information.
  2. If you ordered an online course or joined a membership club, an account will be created for you in our online academy and you’ll get emails telling you how to log in and find your program:
    • For each course or club you ordered, you’ll get a registration confirmation email titled “Congrats, You’re registered” that has your login information. TIP: All of our online courses play on any computer device and you have lifetime access as soon as you are registered. There’s nothing that you have to download; however, you’ll need this login info to get access to your courses.
    • You’ll also get another email in about an hour that will tell you how to access your program in the Academy. When you see it, that will mean that your order has been successfully processed through our system. It’s a “Getting Started” email that will walk you through how to get started with your program.

If you can’t find some of the emails you are expecting from us, there are a couple of things you can try.

Email providers try to “help” you by sorting things automatically into folders for you. If you follow the steps above, you can tell them that you actually KNOW us and they’ll deliver our emails correctly in the future.

In fact, the most important thing you can do right now, to make sure you get any updates to your program that we might send you, is to “whitelist” us.

This is important! You don’t want to miss any updates we send you about whatever you’ve already ordered, or miss out on any of the helpful information or super-discounts that we only send to people that are already part of the Satori Family. If our emails aren’t getting through to you, you will miss these updates and you won’t receive the full benefit of being part of the Satori Family.

So please follow the whitelisting instructions for your email provider on this page to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

* Note: If you are a GMAIL user (or you use any other web-based email that filters messages away from your main inbox), be sure to “drag” any emails from Satori Method into your main/primary Inbox. (Again, you don’t want to miss something.)

You should have received an email titled “Congrats – You’re Registered!!” that contains your Username and Password to the Satori Method Academy. You can sign in to the academy to access your course or membership club at any time by going here and using the login information you were sent.

(Remember that by purchasing one of our digital programs, you now have lifetime online access. All of our courses are available online and can be played on any computer or mobile device. )

Getting started is easy as 1 – 2 – 3:

1: Sign in to the Satori Method Academy to find your course or membership club

You should have already received an email titled “Congrats – You’re Registered!!” that contains your Username and Password.

So now, you can click here to sign in using the login info you were sent.

2: Click the “My Courses” button in the upper right corner to see all of your courses or membership clubs:

Where is the Course Button

3: Watch the brief Tutorial Video we’ve made for you.

Video Tutorial

This video walks you through everything you should know about navigating your way through the Academy. Click HERE to watch the Tutorial Video now.

We actually DO have a video walk-through of our online Academy!

This video walks you through everything you should know about navigating your way through the Academy. Click HERE to watch the Tutorial Video now.

On the login page (, right below the button you click to login, there is a link you can click if you forgot or need to reset your password.

• MEMBERSHIPS: EASY CANCELLATION – If you are a member of any of our membership programs, cancellation can be made for any reason and you can cancel up to 72 hours before the next billing. Email your cancel request to our customer service at: [email protected]. You can continue to enjoy your membership until your next renewal date.

NO REFUNDS. Membership programs are similar to gym memberships in that they are not products that can be returned. As such, while cancellations are easy, we do not provide refunds, credits or pro-rated billing for membership fees already collected regardless of participation, use or engagement.

• DIGITAL PRODUCTS: Because of the nature of digital products, all digital course sales are final, except for Satori Method courses with return policies (please see specific details you agreed to from the course sales page).

• PHYSICAL PRODUCTS: We will replace any defective PHYSICAL products within 30-days. All refund requests, no later than 30-days after purchase, must be sent by email to: [email protected] for a Return Authorization (RA) number. *We cannot accept returns without an RA number (NOTE: leaving a voice message does not give you an RA number). Once your email has been time-stamped (no later than 30-days after purchase) you will receive our return shipping address and instructions for safe return.

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