Sensei Tristan opened up previously about how he and Sensei Peter met (part 1, part 2). But it may be hard to understand the instant and deep brotherhood that they shared right off the bat. Maybe it’s not even possible if you don’t know them or haven’t seen them together. Perhaps the best way to illustrate it, is by sharing what happens next… the next chapter in “The Curious Tale of The Surfer Dude & the Longevity Save.
From The Heart
Shortly after we meet, Peter also meets his soon-to-be wife, Katrina. And I’m honored that he asks me to be the officiant at their wedding.
Now, understand… he has known me for what? 6 or 8 months?
And he’s asking me to, not only officiate his wedding — but to write and orchestrate the whole ceremony… To anyone else, that might seem surprising.
But practitioners of Qigong learn pretty quickly to not be surprised by the speed and depth of new heart connections. We learn to recognize it as the natural flow of things and we strive to “get out of our own way” and let things happen.
So, as I said, it’s not really surprising at all.
We instantly have this deep connection — and Peter knows that I know his heart. So, of course, I’m honored and excited that he asks me to be a part of their special day!
The wedding, as you can imagine, is beautiful and amazing and perfect. It’s a truly magical private ceremony, attended by close friends and local wildlife. Everyone is overwhelmed at the joy and love of the moment.
As Katrina, the beautiful bride, takes her place beside Peter, she looks at the tears streaming down his smiling face and then looks at the tears on mine and says, “REALLY?” In a tone like, “I’ve got to be the one to hold it together?” Which, in turn starts everyone laughing.
It’s a genuinely joyous ceremony and celebration of a loving and supportive community.
Then, after the wedding, while everyone is still reeling from this place of profound bliss and love… Peter tells me, “I think we can combine our talents and our love for Qigong and make something really incredible for people.”
By this point, Peter and I have had a lot of one-on-one talks about how Qigong could be more western-friendly — and less esoteric: How certain movements that give you energy, and certain movements that calm your energy can be combined in a specific combination and a particular sequence that can cause dramatic changes in a short amount of time.
Until now… that’s all it’s been.. discussion. This is the first time either of us really thought about the opportunity that had been there the whole time… staring us in the face. We have SO much experience behind us, separately and together… with so much to offer!
So one day soon after that, Sabrina and I are driving in the car, and Peter and Katrina call to say, “Let’s get started. Let’s create this program we’ve been talking about.” (This is new for Peter. He says that he’s never put together a program with someone else but he feels like the time is right… so do I. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s to listen to our inner guidance.)
We are all talking and excited! We each bring something unique to the project and the timing seems perfect for all of us to work on it. So, although it’s hard to point to an exact moment as THE BEGINNING… this was A beginning…
All that is left is the planning and execution..
Oh yeah… about that… just because you’re in the flow doesn’t mean that life ALWAYS happens the way you THINK it should happen.
But that’s a tale for another time…