Walking With Peter Ragnar

Another “dream come true” moment happened in September, when we finally got to meet Peter Ragnar. It happened when we went to see him in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. It was incredible! Such a heart connection! Such a brother! After dinner, we walked along this beautiful river for about an hour. Sometimes chatting about the Dao… sometimes just walking in silence. How this meeting manifested is an interesting story… you can read about it here. For now, we just wanted to try and capture part of this moment for you in this reflective meditation. The day after my wife, Sabrina, and I met with Peter,  we returned to that river, and shot this meditation. (You can tell Tristan is still blissed-out… nothing beats being around people who live in the flow!)  Please enjoy.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Agnès

    That was great…I felt I was sitting in the middle of the river… and the Grace of the flow of the water… We have such a river here, I made myself a little place of retreat there… so I felt very much at home..
    I particularly loved your expression be in the flow even when circumstances seem stagnant… It is a conscious choice, isnt’t it… the choice to identify only with the flow whom we are… LIFE..
    thank you.. I could not finish the viewing, because my internet got out of the flow….. stuck… but the flow remains…
    It is a deep goal in me o meet PEter sometime… In the meantime I meet him and you all with the heart..
    I took Muriel by your river.. I accompany her towards healing of a severe bodily condition… May the flow wash it all

    1. satori

      Ahhh… that’s what I thought too Agnes… i would love to meet Peter… and guess what happened 🙂 We’ll see you by the river – Tristan

  2. Marcelo Vieira

    great video!! thanks!
    it’s my dream to meet you and Peter and walk with you too.
    the meditation is so simple and effective. I can recall the sound of the water flowing and it reminds me of the energy that can flow at anytime i want and clean my channels.
    happy thoughts and feelings for all of you at Satori 🙂

    1. satori

      And so it shall be Marcelo 🙂 Tristan

  3. Ava

    I loved this meditation and went into it deeply. It’s amazing how just being in nature can evoke the flow so simply and easily. I am facing a rather large obstacle in my life right now, and after reading Sabrina’s post today on the wonderful Zen parable, and then finding this meditation, I have shifted to a completely different perspective. Thank you both so much for these nuggets of wisdom and joy you are offering to us in the world. You are so right, we are so blessed, life is Sacred.

    1. satori

      Thank you for sharing this Ava! I realize that this is a reply many month later… for some reason it did not show up in our system… but I found it today while reading this blog. Thank you for the reminder that this life is SO sacred. ~ Tristan

  4. pete

    Love this Tristan. Thank you for sharing this amazing meditation in nature’s divine glory!

    1. satori

      The beauty that is always around us is amazing. Not waiting for us to stop and take notice, just being with an open invitation to join in. Thank you Steve.

  5. Rick

    Be like Water; FLOW!
    To be presently Alive is Fantastic, Enjoy the Freedom!
    Meditation is an inside job, it’s an attitude with a structure with ones perspective towards life, leading to a Balance and Harmony with the World around us!

  6. LadyJ

    It is such a great reminder to let go – when we are in the flow everything is easy and effortless – love the analogy of the rocks being simple obstacle to move around – with much gratitude always,

    Love listening to you Tristan

    1. satori

      Thanks, Jan. A little distance makes it clear that the rocks are just simple obstacles. It’s insights like that to keep in mind when we’re IN it and banging into the rocks. 😀 And that’s the beauty of those moments of clarity and insight we’re given in our still, calm moments.

  7. Peter

    40 years ago I camped beside that stream for 5 days. It is alive. The water over the rocks creates voices It speaks and the sound it made is still in my ears and my heart.

    1. satori

      Mine too! All this time later… 😀

  8. zarina

    the strea,m looked alive,moving eternally, no destination in sight, but the continuity went on, the rocks never tired of being washed,the process of running water, the dappled sunshine and the pleasing stirring sound never ceased,life too can be like this,but we have to learn to accept it.Zarina

    1. Trisbrina

      beautifully said, Zarina. 🙂

  9. Candy

    Waw, loved it 🙂
    I saw some letter in the water. Love

    Thank you

    1. Trisbrina Truscott

      Awesome, Candy. Thanks for reaching out!

  10. Ana

    I loved the sounds, the music and your words! Tried to download it, but there’s no way to do it 🙂
    Love and Light.

  11. Brigitte

    Beautiful meditation.
    “I can flow even when things are not flowing”, it’s a great reminder.
    Thank you Tristan

  12. Patti

    So so relaxing and beautiful. Thank you for sharing Tristan. Just what I needed …. ❤️🙏🏾❤️

    1. Trisbrina Truscott

      So glad you liked it Patti!

  13. Barbara

    Wow. From the moment I started it, I felt the water flow over me. Yes, my life is completely complicated. But this, after doing the flow form video, was a perfect complement to it. I go for walks at parks whenever I can, and really enjoy the water. I plan to go today and remember this video as I view the water. Thanks!

  14. Tiya

    What a gift. A balm for the soul. Thank you Tristan 🙂

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