Success Stories!
Below are some of the beautiful transformations experienced by thousands of Satori Method students and teachers who have been through our various on-line and off-line programs over the past 25 years.
Feedback from teachers you probably know…
I have had trouble sleeping my whole adult life…
“I do the Good Morning Good Evening Qigong every day and it has made a real difference in my life. I have had trouble sleeping my whole adult life and thanks to these DVDs, I am now sleeping much better. That’s a lot of years of having trouble falling asleep because I am seventy. Thank you for your kindness.”
~ Nancy Sherman
I am on the road to excellent health.
“I have been breathing steroids for 10 years. After I finished Good Evening Qigong, the lung heaviness lifted, but soon it was tough to breathe. I coughed so hard it was like real ab work out. After about an hour I used the inhaler once and went to bed. I did the morning routine and made it through the day with no problems. Got off work and walked up a Eureka Springs hill and finished my Good Evening set. I am so very grateful to you, Peter, Sabrina and your team. I am on the road to excellent health. Interesting how detoxing feels. I felt a little unplugged today – NO INHALER!”
~ Lynne Sterling
… so much information that the other instructors neglected to teach.
“I have tried about 25 different qigong dvds over the years and yours contains so much information that the other instructors neglected to teach. You guys make it exciting for this senior citizen.”
~ Steve Mehl
… now I can bring my leg up while sitting down without lower back strain…
“I want you to know that I am having great results from the Qigong practice, I practice it on a daily basis and have found that my lower back has more flexibility than before, where before I had a hard time putting my socks on, now I can bring my leg up while sitting down without lower back strain, I actually love it, the energy is so palpable, so to everyone responsible putting this program together.”
~ Pete Gomez
You have no idea how excited I am to wake up each day with no pain.
“I wanted to take a minute and thank you. I purchased your Good Morning Good Evening Qigong DVD’s a couple weeks ago and I am so glad I did. I’ve been going to a chiropractor every week for the last 20 years to treat pain in my back, neck, and shoulders. I did not go to the Chiropractor this past week as I did not need to. I feel amazing and I wanted to take a minute and share this with you. Your DVD’s have literally changed my life. I’ve tried exercising, I’ve recently changed my diet and lost 25 pounds even though I was not really overweight. I continued to have pain so I kept searching for something to make me feel better. I came across your DVD’s and decided to give this a try. All I can say is after a few days I started noticing less pain, much better sleep and of course much more energy. I know that I should have waited to move on each week to a new DVD, but I was intrigued so I watched all of them. You have no idea how excited I am to wake up each day with no pain. I’ve told my family and frieds about this already since I like to share things that have worked for me. I truly feel blessed to have found you and I wanted to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless Both of You!”
~ Kris Buettmann
The way this all happened to us is freaky…
“Through a daily Qi Gong practice twice a day (no skipping days), meditation and some hard work we just purchased our dream home in San Diego that sits on 3 acres of beautiful land, purchased a brand new 4×4 SUV paid in full, and purchased an additional 5 acre property in Joshua Tree, CA for a future retreat project. The way this all happened to us is freaky and extremely entertaining :)”
~ Nart Chejoka
…one of the best ‘gentle movement’ programs I have ever experienced–and I’ve done many!
“Personally, Martial Yoga, Movement Medicine is one of the best ‘gentle movement’ programs I have ever experienced–and I’ve done many! The circular movements are perfect to get you ‘back in the pain-free game!’”
~ Cindy Kubica
I have had lower back problems for over 20 years!
“I have had lower back problems for over 20 years! Through the Martial Yoga, Movement Medicine stretching exercises… along with proper breathing techniques… I have dramatically improved the quality of my life. I am able to do all the physical exercises (including racquetball) that I once loved when I was younger – virtually pain free.
After trying many different things to conquer my back pain through the years, nothing was successful until the guidance and direction you set me on. I do not think twice about engaging in any type of physical activity now. Best of all, I do not worry about waking up the following morning unable to get out of bed. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to you for setting me free.”
~ Ira Kravitz, Morgan Stanley
It made me feel incredibly straight, light, and bright!!!
” I just did my first practice session for the lying position in Martial Yoga. It made me feel incredibly straight, light, and bright!!! You really did an awesome job putting these exercises together! Thanks again!”
~ Sarahann Peachy
… took me from immobility to absolutely no pain whatsoever within about a week…
“I was having increased back problems for about 6 months. Sharp pains in my lower back that got so bad I could barely move and I couldn’t sleep. I was in constant pain and it was getting pretty serious and affecting every aspect of my life. The pain would literally paralyze me at times and I felt completely shut down. Tristan showed me a series of Martial Yoga movements that took me from immobility to absolutely no pain whatsoever within about a week. Even the day after I began I noticed considerable improvement. I haven’t had back pain since… These techniques are amazing and great for anyone regardless of whether or not you have specific pain or stress.”
~ John Gibson, Film Maker
I do not experience the same stiffness, or soreness that I did before…
“I wanted to share […] the positive benefits from following the Martial Yoga training. Usually, several hours after my work out routine at the gym, I experience a soreness and stiffness in different parts of my body. I had accepted these ‘aches and pain’ as a part of the process of the body getting older. Several hours after the Martial Yoga exercises, I was NOT experiencing my usual aches and pains and actually felt more relaxed and my whole nervous system felt much calmer. The following day, when I would really feel all my ‘aches and pains’, I felt very relaxed, calm, and energetic. I have noticed that since I have begun using Martial Yoga on a regular basis, I do not experience the same stiffness, or soreness that I did before.”
~ Martha Garrett, M.Ed., Clinical Psychologist
Thank you for taking the “mystery” out of the process…
“…it’s amazing! I have never heard the meditation process explained so thoroughly before. Thank you for taking the “mystery” out of the process and breaking it down into manageable steps. I wish, wish, wish I lived closer so that I could visit your studio! Thank you again for producing such a high quality product. I am very grateful!” ~ Kylie Paximadis
The nurses were amazed!
“Sensei Tristan’s Mushin mindset is phenomenal! We recently had a situation in the hospital where a patient was reacting to the medicine our department gave them. This is a life-threatening event and it is so important to be calm as the physician on the scene. Mushin meditation kicked in because of the training and I was able to take in all of the options and treat the patient exactly how they needed, no more, no less. The nurses were amazed!” ~ Dr. Lori Barr
I’m in the house now with no anxiety…
“I watched the Art of Mushin video this morning then did the 10 minute Guided Mushin. I got to that wonderful state at the end and tears of gratitude filled my eyes….it was the most wonderful, awe inspiring experience. I felt the mind fight me at the beginning and with each step I became more and more centered. At the last step there was nothing. I felt like I disappeared. I have NEVER known such peace for so long. I’m in the house now with no anxiety… I truly have never had a quiet mind for this long and want to thank you!” ~ Sandra Champlain
I was going through a major transition in my life…
“This is a such a gift!!! I was going through a major transition in my life and this series helped me get through that period and become more present and grounded in the process. The more I listened, the more profound and grounded my experience became. My meditations have grown even deeper as I continue to listen to this very special program. Thank you Tristan!!! “ ~ JP Newman
…you explain everything so beautifully!
“Thank you for the amazing Meditation course! It’s the first meditation course I’ve ever had and it is so wonderful, you explain everything so beautifully! – going step-by-step, very slowly. I’m using your teachings in NY subways too – and it works! I appreciate you!” ~Judit Sara
…seen my business positioned to earn an initial fee of $250,000 for every wellness center I create and an annual income of $1.25 million per year
“I was struggling in every area of my life, especially my finance. I brought the [Quantum] Transformation Kit and began to retrain my subconscious mind. Within 60 [days] of applying the principles I started earning over $300,000 per 12 months. I thought this was great until my income quadrupled and I signed over a million dollar contract in the last two weeks. I have purchased several homes since beginning the program. I also have seen my business positioned to earn an initial fee of $250,000 for every wellness center I create and an annual income of $1.25 million per year Thank you for giving me an incredible opportunity to serve humanity.”
~ Nicola Brown
…have had more of a transformation in 30 days than in 10 years since I first started seeking
“I have been trying to refocus on what I would like for YEARS and have consistently been trying to do that with minimal results… I have gotten more results with QTC…and have had more of a transformation in 30 days than in 10 years since I first started seeking more and pulling myself out of the darkness. “
~ Trish Craig
I have made more in the last two weeks than I have made in any month since I started medical practice.
“I had an amazing transformation since starting the Quantum Transformation Course. What’s amazing is that this is not my first attempt at creating change. For the last two years, I’ve been trying all sorts of things from Tony Robbins to energy healers and Reiki Masters. I met some incredible people who were very good teachers, but saw only very small and temporary changes in my life… I have made more in the last two weeks than I have made in any month since I started medical practice. Again, thank you so much! “
~ Charles Theivagt
I’ve had some huge transformations. Down 10 lbs, for a total of 17 when I started
“I’ve had some huge transformations. Down 10 lbs, for a total of 17 when I started… Walking up to 10K training for the 1/2 marathon… Now working on creating another $200,000+ to finish obtaining my chairman’s award with RE/MAX. Did almost $300K in the 3 1/2 months this spring so this should be a cakewalk. It is, a Good Life!”
~ Dawn Setter
I already got more in use value than I paid in cash value – thank you!
“WOW – with everything I have ever done I have never experienced the level of love and caring you, John and Sabrina shared […] – my eyes are filled up – from every cell in my being – I thank you – I am confident that I am not alone in this gratitude. This is truly transformational, I already got more in use value than I paid in cash value – thank you! “
~ Jan Payne
… two weeks into training my knee problems disappeared…
“I was a collegiate swimmer and had to stop the end of sophomore year because my knees were clicking and cracking from years of breastroke training, almost had undergo surgery… I had knee inflammation for the past two years, and started to practice the Satori Method of Qigong about four months ago, and at the same time was training for my first marathon… I started to practice cultivating the qi as I ran too… two weeks into training my knee problems disappeared and my knees got stronger than they had ever been before, I completed the marathon and had enough energy to go for a surf afterA true testament to the power of what this practice can do… i couldn’t be more filled with gratitude!! “ ~ Bryce Bertoli
… I feel more empowered in my body.
“Since beginning not only am I managing stress better, but I feel more empowered in my body. I have lived with Chronic Pain for over 10 years and find the Qigong practice especially beneficial in managing that as well as other symptoms.” ~ Nancy A. Harding, LPC, Psychotherapist/Consultant
I’m still buzzing from it.
“I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that the Satori combination of Mushin Meditation, followed by Qigong was absolutely fantastic! I’ve done meditation, and I’ve done movement, but I’ve never combined them like that before. It hit exactly my mind-body-spirit connection, and at one point I had so surrendered to the flow of the Qigong that it was as close as I’ve come to an out-of-body experience. I’m still buzzing from it. Thank you so much for guiding me through that this afternoon. It was an amazing experience.” ~ Lauren Shaw, Attorney
… transported from the hectic, busy world to a place of calm…
“When I take Sensei Tristan’s class [Satori Floww] I am transported from the hectic, busy world to a place of calm where I can connect with my true self. His exercises energize my body while the meditation and qigong brings clarity for me to be in the present – the here and now. His teaching is a gift – I am filled with a feeling of joy and well being when I finish the class. Thank you” ~ Debbie Miller, Executive Vice President – Midtown Video
I have suffered with migraine headaches for many years…
“Until a year ago, I had never heard of Qi Gong. Today, I cannot imagine my life without practicing this wonderful energy generated breathing technique that has helped me achieve and maintain good health. I have suffered with migraine headaches for many years, and since I have begun practicing Satori Flow, I have not had a major headache of any kind. The practice of Satori Flow has enhanced the stamina and coordination of my body; it has helped my mental concentration during my day and has reduced the stress in my life by at least three fold. I have learned about Qi Gong through my martial arts practice, but it is a practice that would be beneficial to anyone. It is wonderful to be able to center into my breath and to be able to achieve a highly relaxed and tranquil mind and body state during my day, no matter how stressful it may be. The practice has increased my joint flexibility, increased the range of motion in my body and has increased the blood flow, which has provided better circulation to all of my body including my hands, feet and especially my head.” ~ Dana Gribi, Events Coordinator
… my hands are glowing all day long.
“I am a Reiki Master and know what to do with the energy flow but since yesterday, I started the program my hands are glowing all day long. I really want to thank you for this wonderful method.” ~ Marian de Reus
You’re the most fabulous… there has ever been
“Tristan Truscott – you are the most fabulous, clever, eloquent and brilliant coach (and just person) that there has ever been!! I have been floating since our call last night. The stuff you came out with was incredible! It’s verbal gold dust. I just love it and I am so flipping’ grateful, it’s untrue. I could never have found someone who is so brill and is turning what I’m doing inside out. I think I’ll have to get a trademark on it all because it’s going to be so mega. I am very, very grateful and very excited.” ~ June Burgess, CEO Inner Horse Power
My life has fallen into place… Thanks for everything!
“Your tools and coaching helped to unleash the power of “me” in the good sense. I am much more aware of myself and sensitive to others, making it much easier to make positive changes in my personal life as well as inspiring healthy changes in my organization. My confidence and optimism have spread to others, and it just seems that my life has fallen into place. Even on ‘bad days’, it’s easy to get myself back on track because I know how, thanks to you. These tools are for a lifetime, and I am grateful to have them in my arsenal. Thanks for everything!” ~ Penny Mina, Innovation Manager, Dr Pepper Snapple Group
…helped me to incorporate action, not just ideas, into living life rather than just thinking about it.
“Satori Coaching has given me a new perspective on foundations that I built my own counseling practice on; it has allowed me to find a deeper honesty about my own intentions, motives and ways to clear the blocks to levels of success that before were only enjoyed in areas of idea. It helped me to incorporate action, not just ideas, into living life rather than just thinking about it.” ~ Jonathan Anderson, MA, LPC Licensed Professional Counselor
… the rewards of it are “ten times” the cost and time I put into it.
“I wanted to let you know that I was so happy with the life coaching we did. I got something valuable out of every single session and truly learned life tools that I can now apply to all types of situations in both business and personal life. As I told you, even though we finished our program, I would like to continue the coaching with you, because I think the rewards of it are “ten times” the cost and time I put into it. I would absolutely recommend your coaching program to anyone without any hesitation.” ~ Larry Tamkin, CEO, Innovo Realty
… helped me to be a better therapist.
“Sensei Tristan helped me to be a better therapist. I have always focused more on the academic side of things, looking for new methods, techniques, theories, because I thought it would make me more competent and effective in my work. Yet the more I learned, the more I wanted to know and always felt there was something still lacking. Through Sensei Tristan’s Life Mastery Coaching, I learned skills that helped me discover the power of Presence. I always knew “about” presence and it’s place as a cornerstone to effective therapy, but had never truly experienced it in this way before. This Presence I have come to experience is the space in which my life derives meaning, not just for my therapy practice, but in everything. I can bring conscious awareness to everything I do because it is already there! Where? In the Present. For anyone wanting a more beautiful and meaningful life, I recommend this course. If you keep an open mind and dedicate your time and positive intention to it, you will not be the same again.” ~ Jiovann Carrasco, LPC, Psychotherapist
I am so calm, patient and focused.
“I want to thank you two for the wonderful coaching… I found myself in tears of complete inner joy as the call went on. You two really care!! I am still in just awe over all of this and the week that I have had. I am so calm, patient and focused. My husband is ESTATIC with me. One of my employees even said something to me about how calm i am this week and how I am handling and dealing with some very stressful issues.” ~ Dustie Zager, Zagar Global
I’m most grateful for the direction my life is headed because of you…
“Sensei Tristan… I’m grateful for the many hours of counseling/wisdom you have graced me with, and I’m grateful for the wonderful example you are to me (I’ve had very few people in my life that have been good examples that I could follow and learn through), and I’m most grateful for the direction my life is headed… Thank you.” ~ Cheryl Featherstone, Martial Arts Teacher
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, here’s more of what people are saying…
It’s been well over a year now and I’m still pain free...
“I was having constant aching pain in my low back for several months. After trying different forms of treatment including physical therapy, I wasn’t sure anything was going to work. Then, when you sat down with me one on one to explain the true connection of the mind & body, I began to understand that my very real physical pain was rooted in my mind and not my body. Using methods you taught including tapping, positive affirmation and meditation, we were able to clear out negative images and let go of past/present blockages. It’s been well over a year now and I’m still pain free. This whole experience was like a cleansing of the mindbodysoul and has allowed me to move freely, mentally, emotionally AND physically, on with my life with a new appreciation of self. Clearly, my gratitude is endless. Thank you”
~ Judith Lockett:
...worth far more than the price.
“I have had this course for about a month now and the clarity of mind that I have been able to develop is worth far more than the price. Tristan thoroughly explains and teaches this art in addition to providing the tools that make it so simple and yet incredibly powerful. Thank you Tristan for this transformational program.”
~ Dawn Madrid
These daily practices have had a profound effect on me and my life today, for this I am truly grateful
“Your coaching certainly has had an awaking affect on me. A decision was made to do things differently. Then simply I began by preparing and eating healthier foods at every mealtime. Along with this I incorporated a daily practice of soft Qigong, meditation, journaling and an emotional state that is more observing of self. These daily practices have had a profound effect on me and my life today, for this I am truly grateful.”
~ Bruce Kennady, Kennady Co.
Best investment I ever made...
“Best investment I ever made, having suffered with PTSD for 27 yrs btw. Thanks for teaching me how to reinvent myself for success.”
~ Mark Fantham
A health issue that had been persisting for the last 12 months appears to have disappeared!
“I’m halfway through the second week of the course and you’re now part of my daily routine. I’m extremely impressed with your work. A health issue that had been persisting for the last 12 months appears to have disappeared! Additionally, the quality of my dreams (and dream recall) has improved. Can’t wait for week 3 and beyond! “
~ Matthew Ellidge
Have not felt an energy surge like that in almost 20 years.
“OK…so 2 days ago I did this AM program. After, walked into the kitchen and began preparing a bowl of cereal. Then, all the hair on my entire body stood straight up for almost TWO MINUTES. (Well, except for the hair on my head. Might be too long to stand up at this stage of the process. =D ) There was a warming energy buzzing along all my skin. With goosebumps. I took pictures of my arms…freaky. Have not felt an energy surge like that in almost 20 years. Very cool. “
~ Ric Savacool
I highly recommend his Art of Mushin meditation program...
“Sensei Tristan Truscott has decades of experience helping untold numbers of folks reach deeper levels of meditation and inner peacefulness. I highly recommend his Art of Mushin meditation program for anyone looking to begin or deepen their meditation practice.”
~ Peter Ragnar
I highly recommend this collection...
“This the most beautiful Meditation DVD/CD collection I have ever watched and listened to over the last couple of years. Whether you are just beginning a meditation practice or a seasoned meditator, I highly recommend this collection to everyone who would like to enhance their lives.”
~ Dana Gribi
...the highlight of my day!
“Dropping you a line to let you know how much I have enjoyed ” Good Morning Good Night”. I have completed the four week “training” DVDs plus two more weeks practice. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and doing all the routines, actually they are the highlight of my day! I do them no matter what and haven’t missed a single one. Much love to you all.”
~ Susan Tallents (Grandma)
...it takes all of the Law of Attraction & vibration understanding to a higher level...
“I’ve been doing the Qigong programme about a week now, and really love it! Its great because it takes all of the Law of Attraction & vibration understanding to a higher level, by making it physical- i.e. I’m not just thinking about flow and abundance, but my body is now feeling the movement and energy of its natural power. Thank you Tristan & Peter for putting it out there!! Its exactly what i was looking for!”
~ Dave Harewood
...thank you for making the Morning & Evening Qi Gong DVD’s… I just LOVE them!!
“I want to say thank you for making the Morning and Evening Qi Gong DVD’s with Peter Ragnar — I just LOVE them!! Also — the first time I put one on and you came on the screen, I thought to myself “OMG Tristan, you look thirty!” Soon my son comes in and, knowing who Peter is, he says, ” Who’s the 28 year old?” Congratulations on “youthing!” “
~ Trish (Patricia Milligan Detwiler)
I’ve already gotten several times my money’s worth…and I just began...
“I’ll be 50 in December and I’ve done a lot of searching over the last 30 years — I go all the way back to The Scott Peck book in the 80s, Melody Beattie, Castaneda, Bible major in college, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, hundreds of hours of therapy, black belt in Kung Fu — all while remaining self-employed in the music industry between L.A and Nashville. It has not been an easy life — in great degree, because I had no concept of the Law of Attraction. I give credit to all the other books/programs which led up to this moment, but I wanted you both to know that I’ve already gotten several times my money’s worth from your program, and I just began. Thank you so much for your work. Blessings to you both. “
~ Kip (Jack Raines)
I think it would be wonderful for more people to discover your Qigong program...
“I just wanted to reach out and let you know I love your Good Morning Good Evening Qigong program. I went through the program last August when I bought it and loved it… I have checked out 4 other Qigong programs and I feel yours is the best. Tristan & Peter’s instructions and statements in the videos are inspiring. I think that your program would be excellent for rehabilitation programs and seniors in nursing homes. I can see people who maybe can’t stand sitting in their wheel chairs with their bare feet on the ground making the Qigong movements
I think it would be wonderful for more people to discover your Qigong program. “
~ Roxanne Sumner
...a couples of days ago I was so stressed out I was in tears!
“Tristan & Peter thank you again! I have watched the 2nd video and I am very excited! Also. Over the past few days I started a new job (yeah!). There has been a lot of training , a couples of days ago I was so stressed out I was in tears! Since doing the intro to good morning Qi Qong, I have handled the stressful times so so much better! Yahoo! I can’t wait to get the full program! “
~ Christine Edwards
I shared it with my mother who is 85….ping pong!
“Hey hey! So …wanted to share this with you. I have practiced your Good morning and Good evening ..love it!! Today I shared it with my mother who is 85….ping pong! she was up and about busy busy busy plenty of energy!! ahhh fabulous! “
~ Lynn Micallef
...thank you so much for making it easy…
“My hubby and I have been avid lovers of Qigong for the longest time and yet as much as we love it and enjoy it when we do it, our consistency over time and distance hasn’t been that great, so thank you so much for making it easy and for giving us the spark we both needed to make it as much a part of our life as cleaning our teeth!!! “
~ Julianne Dowse
...helped me bring so much more positivity and presence to the start and end of my day
“I am LOVING how your a.m. and p.m. practice have helped me bring so much more positivity and presence to the start and end of my day. Looking forward to what is next!”
~ Julie Napolitan
...you two have made a task that took me eight weeks of perfecting some time ago into a ten minute cycle
“Wonderful to feel real again-studied martial arts sometime ago–lost touch and did make the effort to find our who knew about building the chi again and just could not find it and now you two have made a task that took me eight weeks of perfecting some time ago into a ten minute cycle–just feeling the chi flow again and letting my wife in on it —makes it a bigger wow…thanks and waiting for the next one”
~ Mark Croshier III
...replacing ineffective habits with new ones that are far more beneficial. Great work.
“I have purchased a QiGong program before however it is not as comprehensive and as easy to understand why this works. You have renewed my interest in making this a daily practice. Since we are all creatures of habit this is replacing ineffective habits with new ones that are far more beneficial. Great work.”
~ Robert Mulluro
...I was even super energized the next day throughout a 12 hour shift.
” I made the mistake of doing the Good Morning Qigong exercise before an evening workout and I was so energized I could not sleep all night. I was even super energized the next day throughout a 12 hour shift. I’m so happy I now have the Good Evening relaxing Qigong exercise. “
~ Jake Hollowell
...has enabled me to re-affirm my faith in God...
“Qi gong has enabled me to re-affirm my faith in God, in good, and to find greater confidence that good can come into our lives.”
~ Kate Gould
... I don’t even need coffee anymore.
“I learned Tristan Truscott’s Good Morning, Good Evening Qigong routine to get things kick started in the morning. I don’t even need coffee anymore.”
~ Will Sessions
...easily fits into my demanding business schedule.
“In addition to my practice of TaiChi, Yoga, meditation I benefit from your series Good Morning Good Evening QiGong since summer 2013 due to its 10min-fast-application, easily fit into my demanding business schedule. “
~ Lily Huang
...only been doing it for 4 days and I am already seeing some amazing things happening in my life!
“GMGE Qigong is amazing. I’ve only been doing it for 4 days and I am already seeing some amazing things happening in my life!”
~ Rami Ferrari
...headache dissipates and I sleep like a baby.
“Last night I attend a large event, an awards ceremony with many people. I notice a bit of a headache on the drive home. I do my Goodnight QiGong, headache dissipates and I sleep like a baby. Thank you, Peter and Tristan. It works beautifully, perfectly, harmoniously. “
~ Valerie Randall
...my mind feels different clearer, more on point.
“I got to tell ya my Mt biking has changed due to my chigong practice already!!!! And my mind feels different clearer, more on point. Not getting upset so fast. More at peace with the things an people around me
best 200 bucks I ever spent! You guys are the BOMB!!! Thank you again. “
~ John Capshaw
... interesting that the chi went where it was most needed
“Thank you for sharing these wonderful videos !!! I have a broken wrist ,and am in a cast , so I was not sure I would be able to feel the chi , but the interesting part, is that I felt a very pleasant pulsating in my left wrist where the break is . It was very healing feeling and interesting that the chi went where it was most needed …at least that is how it felt…Awesome !”
~ Marion Zeblin Mulrooney
... people are reacting to me in a more positive way...
“I love the Good Morning, Good Evening Qigong. I’m doing it everyday. The one thing that I would like to say is that I bought this because I got such a good feeling from Peter and Tristan. I was very hesitant at first. But I kept feeling that “these two” really believed in what they were doing and really wanted to share and help people from their hearts. In my head I kept hearing “I really, really like these two guys.” I’m so glad I listened to my inner voice because my energy level and my vibration are so much stronger and increasing daily. I’m no longer sluggish when I get up in the morning, I have more time to spend in the evening walking and playing with my dogs now because my energy level feels like when I was 20, so I don’t go home and pass out in front of the tv…I get out and get moving. I can tell my vibration is up by the way people are reacting to me in a more positive way and by how relaxed and less stressed I am when interacting with people. I look forward to continuing to build my Chi. Thank you Peter and Tristan. What you are doing is a true blessing.”
~ Michel Foran
... it was a constant struggle everyday of my life...
“I was Born a misfit & I knew it. Both ill/sensitive from day one & my families biggest challenge. I was Born this way & it was a constant struggle everyday of my life…Through Tristan & Peter’s QiGong, Martial Yoga & learning to Just be, & to love being, to work on health, wellness, & spirit/body connections, I have succeeded in every area of my life! I am Happy. I am Healthy, I am Living “
~ Brenda Kopecky
... I have had some pretty debilitating issues the last decade ...
“The practice is perfect for me because I have had some pretty debilitating issues the last decade and doing conventional exercise leaves me in pain. So glad to fine a practice that leaves me in pleasure!”
~ Judy
...[they] have this Perfect… there wasn’t one move that took me out of Perfect Alignment!
“Anyone on the fence about this GM/GE QiGong, I can tell you that I’ve been doing this for I guess a year. I Feel the difference….. I recently injured my upper back, tore muscle, while goofing around on vacation, and yesterday was Taped-up by my Physical Therapist… she taped me while holding me in Perfect Posture, so I really can’t move much… My Point is this, I can do this QiGong while Taped! It showed me that Peter Ragnar & Tristan Truscott, have this Perfect… there wasn’t one move that took me out of Perfect Alignment!! I already knew that, but this was a little extra Icing on the cake. ENJOY!”
~ Brenda Kopecky
...even though I’ve only done it a couple times, I actually do have more energy.
“I have started the online program (while waiting for the hard copies) and love it!...the beginning steps are really easy……because of the way you guys break the movements into steps. I love it and even though I’ve only done it a couple times, I actually do have more energy. I can feel the energy, the pulsing, as I do the different steps. I can’t wait until I have a month under my belt! …It is a great compliment to cleansing my body of toxins and adding more chi. I’m excited about this whole process and a new journey.”
~ Diane McFarland
... this morning I feel amazing! And that was just the 1st time!!
“You guys are Awesome!! I watched the Good Evening portion last night and did it for the 1st time. On the last step I felt a good amount of tingling into my palms as if two beams of energy were flowing in. I attempted to read for a few mins after and meditate..I say attempted because I am not sure if it was deep meditation or I just started to fall asleep:-) I went to bed and this morning I feel amazing! And that was just the 1st time!! I am looking forward to really building this up”
~ Chris McCartney
... very helpful and easy to follow.
“I just did my first standing practice, and found it very helpful and easy to follow. Tristan has a very relaxing and caring voice and that helps! I just downloaded all the sessions and bonuses and can’t believe how much there is!!! I had no idea. Thank you both so very much.”
~ Lori Miller
... I feel your experiences and wisdom are helping me a lot!
“I’m so glad to be listening to you because I’ve been working on opening my heart and living in my upper chakras. I’ve been told by several energy experts that I am not very grounded. I bought the [Satori] Qigong a couple of weeks ago. I feel that your experiences and the wisdom you’ve gained from it is helping me a lot! Thank you!”
~ Jayka
Satori has been the perfect remedy for a whole life change...
“Satori has been the perfect remedy for a whole life change when it comes to healing the body. There has been a lot of fear of not being taken care of and it is so beautiful to realize I’m not a victim to anything and I don’t have to create illness to get love. I’m using the tapping on the meridians, sending the golden, healing light of love and then releasing black smoke. Being consistent is one of the most important things to remember for me and that the soul has such power of transforming everything into love. Thanks so much for helping me to see this.”
~ April Downing, Hair Dresser
...thank you for the relief, release and reconnection which you facilitated in me...
“I thank you deeply for the energy you dedicate to the physical and spiritual development of others. I thank you personally for the relief, release, and reconnection which you facilitated in me on Thursday night. Mushin is so powerful. I continue to benefit from and greatly enjoy your instruction. Thank You again!”
~ Doug Diamond, Montessori School Teacher
... after two weeks of following [your] guidance in cultivating the qi I no longer need glasses
“Kauai’s marathon is one of the hilliest in the country, taking you on a journey of scaling up and down mountains, great for the knees haha so for me to get stronger throughout training and the race is amazing! I am in week two of the Satori Method qigong program right know and am in love… I’ve been consuming qi foods for about 4 months (almost completely vegan), and after two weeks of following you and Peter’s guidance in cultivating the qi I no longer need glasses, which is an enormous shift for me… since I was about 10 years old I had a prescription for -3.00 from the eye doctor just to see (pretty bad!)– probably from sitting around playing video games and eating McDonald’s haha low qi lifestyle– but literally in the past four months, and two weeks specifically, I made tremendous improvements in my eyesight by relaxing and letting the qi flow!! Still have a little ways to go until it’s fully clear, but I have been astounded with what’s happening! Couldn’t be more filled with gratitude!!”
~ Bryce Bertoli
...the most remarkable thing I have ever experienced in my long battle with allergies happened...
“Friday night the new weather blew in and with it came nasal misery for me . I knew that a sinus infection was coming; it always does when I get that bad. I decided that I needed to change my approach to these episodes if I was to expect anything different in the end. Using the breathing technique from The Art of Mushin I imagined that the air was golden healing energy that was massaging all those aggravated nooks of my deepest sinus cavities. As I exhaled, I would make a slight OM noise through my nose to increase the massaging and visualized all the nasties shaking loose from my nose and floating away. I then took the visual farther by transforming the pressure of my sinuses. It was no longer pressure due to mucus; my sinuses were pregnant with chi I told myself. The pressure became a vibration and as I continued with the breathing the most remarkable thing I have ever experienced in my long battle with allergies happened. My sinuses opened like flood gates. I didn’t even have to blow. I must have sat there draining for 20 minutes just breathing and visualizing. The pressure was gone and the burning inflammation had subsided. My sinuses feel healthy and thankful and I haven’t taken any kind of allergy pills, just good ol’ chi breathin’.”
~ Jeff Smastrala, Massage Therapist
Recovered so much flexibility and endurance that I’d quietly lost living the “internet lifestyle”...
“Just wanted to say how much going to the Dojo twice a week for about a year has done for me. I expected that practicing Qigong, lifting weights, and various kinds of cardio would make me stronger and healthier. What I found was that I also recovered so much flexibility and endurance that I’d quietly lost living the ‘internet lifestyle’ over the years. I look forward to going and I can tell if I miss a few weeks what it would be like without the Dojo, so that’s a constant reminder of how amazing it is. Not only are Tristan and Sabrina incredible, but the whole group of folks who go are a joy to be around, too. Thank you!”
~ Craig Perrine, Best-selling Author, Speaker, Inspired Marketer
...helped me find deeper levels of my own Mind-Body-Spirit connection...
“I’ve worked with Tristan in classes at his Dojo, trained with him one-on-one, and in his video trainings. He’s helped me find deeper levels of my own Mind-Body-Spirit connection, and working with him is just plain fun! There’s no one I trust more with helping to keep me on my path. I can’t recommend Satori Method highly enough!”
~ Bill Small, Business / Success Coach
...in almost 50 years this is the best I’ve encountered...
“I’ve worked with integrating mind, body spirit with various teachers for almost 50 years and in all that time this is the best explanation and visual tool that I have encountered. The stack of coasters included.”
~ Judith Lockett