Welcome Certified Basics Instructor!
As a newly Certified Instructor in Satori Qigong Basics, there is some information that can help you get started. On this page you will find…
- Guidelines / Policies / Permissions for Certified Satori Instructors (ie. How to Use Your Training)
- Policies on Promoting / Branding Yourself. (Do’s and Don’ts)
- Download samples of Student Registration and Tuition Payment forms. (on the next page)
- Info on how you can get an online presence (by both getting listed in our Certified Instructor Directory.
Guidelines / Policies / Permissions for Certified Satori Instructors
Once folks get certified to teach our programs (as workshops and/or classes) we get a few questions regarding what you can and cannot teach. This video is going to cover this – in-depth.
You see, when workshops and classes were mainly taught in-person these questions weren’t as intricate, but now with the move to more and more people desiring to teach online a few things need a little extra clarity.
Also in this video I’ll cover what you can charge for your workshops and classes AND what you can film.
All of this information will be covered in text form below this video (and any future updates as needed).
The #1 Rule of Thumb to Remember IS:
Don’t create confusion / competition in the marketplace.
The following rules and guidelines are in place for one main reason – simply to help you from creating confusion or competition in the marketplace by mistake.
Here is EXACTLY what you CAN DO as a Certified Instructor.
#1 – Your specific certification gives you permission to teach our course curriculum (aka Routines, Katas, Forms… IE. The Flow Form, GMGE Qigong) as workshops and/or as ongoing classes.
#2 – You can charge whatever you like for your workshops and/or classes based on your Certification. Additionally you can offer free in-person workshops or classes based on your Certification. In either case, you do not have to pay franchise fees for your workshops/classes.
#3 – Additionally you can blend individual exercises, attributes and teacher training tips from our certification curriculum into your own coaching, healing workshop and/or class curriculum. We want you to feel free to TEACH your heart out!!
(You’ll note that all of these fall under the “confusion/competition in the marketplace” category.)
#1 – You cannot create and sell a similar program (ie. one YOU created) with the same name used in our Course(s) (aka Routines, Katas, Forms). Another way of saying that is – don’t use the same name or similar names from our courses – to create your own – this would cause confusion in the marketplace.
#2 – You cannot create an identical program (ie. one WE created) and give it a different name. This may sound blatantly obvious, but you’d be surprised as to what people think is different!
Let’s spell this one out a little more – you cannot take our course curriculum (aka Routines, Katas, Forms) and adopt them as your own course or product (paid or free). Yours would need to be completely different!
#3 – You cannot give our programs away for free on social media…even if you are certified to teach the program… it cannot live in an open to the public “evergreen” environment. IE. a person put the entire GMGEQ program on YT for free! That falls under – competition in the marketplace.
#4 – You cannot represent yourself (or any of your coursework) as our main brand ‘Satori Method’. You can of course show your Satori Certification(s) Credentials, instructor badge, directory listing and any other sub-brand elements we have given you to help promote your business.
#5 – You can charge whatever you like for your workshops and/or classes based on your Certification. Additionally you can offer free in-person workshops or classes based on your Certification.
Digital stipulation: You cannot publish digital versions of our full curriculum online for free or post it in a public setting – even if you initially charge for it. Once the program is over the class or workshop content must come down – so as not to create confusion or competition in the marketplace.
That’s great!
If you feel like you want to start creating your own digital programs (aka courses, products, routines, katas) then please feel free to draw from your experience of working with us.
You even have our permission to blend a few moves and exercises from our free and paid programs – but again you must be mindful not to create competition or confusion in the marketplace. That means your courses must be your own and ‘uniquely different’ from the proprietary choreography used in our courses.
To ensure that you don’t cross the line of creating confusion or competition – if you choose to add any moves or exercises from our courses** (Katas/Routines/Forms) (that you are certified by us to teach) to your course – simply make sure the choreography, sequence and overall course is VERY different!
**The Flow Form, Good Morning Good Evening Qigong, Martial Yoga, Satori Sport, The Art of Mushin, Ageless Mobility – and all future Satori Method Katas.
As an active member of the Life Force Mastery Dojo, you have our permission to use the exercises, drills and katas taught in Sensei Tristan’s Qigong sessions (not the main SATORI DOJO CURRICULUM – but specifically his Qigong sessions) – within specific guidelines.
You may offer these exercises, drills and katas in your classes and workshops – they can be used as warm ups, cool downs or for specialization training (ie. to help with attribute development such as balance, coordination, flow, etc.)
However, you do not have our permission to teach our Kata routines as Paid or Free workshops – unless it is a Kata you are certified to teach (ie. The Flow Form, GMGE Qigong).
Being part of the Life Force Mastery Dojo classes is a wonderful opportunity!
Not only for your own personal practice, but if you’re a service provider or a coach, you are also being given a ‘Blueprint’ to follow for constructing a class or program of your own around a curriculum that has already proven itself.
But just as it’s important — VITAL actually — to keep your own branding and promotional materials unique to your own class/program. It’s also essential that you just don’t co-opt Sensei Tristan’s programs and pass them as your own.
For instance, for those that want to teach Satori Method: The Flow Form, we offer Certification to both allow, and approve, those individuals to teach that specific curriculum. That is NOT what is provided in the Dojo. The Dojo sessions are a ‘presentation’ mode where there is no way to test if someone is qualified to teach a particular move that they learn there.
KEY POINT: You are authorized to use our “Blueprint” which you can learn from membership in the Dojo and develop your own Flow sequences to integrate into your services. But you cannot use our exact sequences… in the same way you can’t use our “Branding” to promote your services or web properties.
This also means unless authorized, you cannot represent your business as an extension of Satori, position yourself as an employee of Satori… basically anything that creates confusion in the marketplace as to whether something is a Satori program or not.
To help make all of this easier to understand, we have created the following guidelines and policies. We’ve done our best to be super-duper clear, not because we want to be strict, but because we want you to feel relaxed and very clear about what you can get out of your Dojo membership if you’re a coach or instructor.
What you CAN do:
You can use the Satori curriculum and sequences in developing your own unique services.
Which you can incorporate into your current classes, sessions, trainings, events or coaching services.
What you CAN’T do:
In general, you cannot plagiarize (“lift in their entirety) Satori Method curriculum and sequences.
Think of it as you’re creating your own product… when it comes to making a “product” you can NOT re-film or re-name the EXACT same curriculum and sell it as your product.
Think in terms of any product, in any market. You would never create a product from a product – that would create “competition” between those two programs – even if it was renamed as something else.
Actually it’s considered stealing (or in the art world, counterfeiting – you can purchase the painting and show it in your house, but you can’t re-create the exact painting and sell that).
You can however, use the work of artists that inspire you to find the path of your own artistic expression.
There ARE licensing deals people sometimes create so they can film an exact replica of a program or product (for example in another language) but that is an entirely different scenario. We currently do not offer licensing deals.
A lot of this is just common sense, but if you’re ever in doubt, please ask.
Policies on Promoting/Branding Yourself
If you are new to promoting yourself (or a business) you will want to pay close attention to the following information:
Becoming certified to teach a class, course or curriculum is a wonderful opportunity! The creator has given you a ‘Blueprint’ to follow making it much easier to construct a class or program of your own around a curriculum that has already proven itself.
But since there are multiple Certified Instructors for your curriculum, it’s important — VITAL actually — to keep your own branding and promotional materials unique to your own class/program.
Here’s a real world “branding” example:
Many computers today are designed around (and use) an Intel processor.
That’s basically the ‘guts’ of the computer. But every computer that is built around an Intel chip can’t be called The Intel Computer. For instance, you won’t see something called Dell’s Intel Computer or Toshiba’s Intel Computer.
One reason for that is because even Dell alone has MULTIPLE computers that are based on Intel processors. (As in the future, you might offer multiple different courses or programs that all incorporate the Satori curriculum as part of that class.) But also, and more importantly, because Dell needs to distinguish itself from all the other manufacturers that also use Intel. So they come up with their own names for their computers (like Dell Lattitude is one model), and place a small label on their computers that say “Intel Inside.” That way, they are piggybacking on Intel’s reputation for quality while at the same time, building their own brand.
That’s why, when it comes to using the creator’s brand and promotional materials to grow your own practice, you have to be very clear on what you can and cannot do to present yourself. For YOUR sake as well as ours.
Every organization is different in what they are providing their certified instructors when it comes to promotion using their ‘branded materials’ – but the bottom line AGAIN, is you cannot cause confusion in the marketplace.
This also means unless authorized, you cannot represent your business as an extension of the main company, position yourself as an employee of the company or create competition between your company and the company that is allowing you to use their materials.
To help make all of this easier to understand, we have created the following guidelines and policies. We’ve done our best to be super-duper clear, not because we want to be strict, but because we want you to feel relaxed about how to promote yourself.
- You can advertise and represent yourself as a Certified Instructor.
- You can use your official Certified Instructor Badge on your website or print materials.
In general, you cannot use the Satori Method branded marketing materials to promote your services or create your own “product” that is a carbon copy of a Satori product. More specific details follow:
BRANDING – Here are the restrictions related to branding:
- Company Name: Satori Method or any derivate of our company name.
- Any URLs with the name of our program: Good Morning Good Evening Qigong; Satori Qigong: The Flow Form, Martial Yoga: Movement Medicine, The Art of Mushin for example
- Our website URLS (for instance: www.satorimethod.com / www.filledwithchi.com / www.satoriqigong.com / www.martialyoga.com / www.totallypresent.com)
- Images from our websites or events. (images of you at one of our events are acceptable)
- Custom artwork such as our company course banners, ads, apparel, bags or gear. Note: Ads for your brand can be created for you by our design team – if you need help with that.
KEY POINT: You are authorized to teach our “Blueprint” and integrate it into your services, but you cannot use our “Branding” to promote your services or web properties. You are responsible for creating your own company branding.
CREATING PROGRAMS / PRODUCTS: As a certified instructor, you have our permission to teach the curriculum in which you are certified as a workshop or as ongoing classes (offline or online) – but when it comes to making a “product” like a digital course or a DVDs set, you can NOT re-film or re-name the EXACT same curriculum and sell it as your product. You can however, use the curriculum in which you are certified as ‘inspiration’ in order to create your own product.
Creating a duplicate of the Satori program would create confusion in the marketplace. Think in terms of any product, in any market. You would never create a product from a product – that would create “competition” between those two programs – even if it was renamed as something else. Actually it’s considered stealing (or in the art world, counterfeiting – you can purchase the painting and show it in your house, but you can’t re-create the painting and sell that).
There are licensing deals people sometimes create so they can film an exact replica of a program or product (for example in another language) but that is an entirely different scenario. (We currently do not offer licensing deals)
If one day you want to make your own products to sell online or locally then you need to create your own curriculum, with its own “unique sequence”. That curriculum would need to be very different from our product. Both with the Curriculum taught and the name of the product.
Now if you used several of the Satori-taught movements in your product, then it would be appreciated if you give honorable mention to where you learned those moves. That’s what we mean when we say: “Inspired By The Flow Form”.
When in doubt, always ask.
How To Get Listed In Our Certified Instructor Directory
You must pass the full Certification Exam to get listed in our ‘Certified Instructor Directory‘ on our main website. Having this directory listing is a great way to help build your online presence. You can also add our Instructor Directory page-link to your digital badge (so that if someone clicks the badge on your website or social media page), it will open up your profile giving you extra credibility because you are listed on our Certified Instructor Directory page. We look forward to you completing your full Certification with us during your annual eligibility period.
Sample Student / Client Forms
If you are brand new to teaching and collecting fees for your services, you will need to create a New Student Registration Form and a Payment Collection form.
We’re offering you two helpful sample forms you can download to get started. These sample forms are great to help you come up with ideas to create your own forms if you are starting from scratch.
Note: The Registration Form also includes sample ‘Release of Liability’ information. Be sure to have your legal advisor or attorney adjust this document to fit your business structure and needs.
Feel free to download any and all items you are interested in:
Acknowledge below that you have read and understood your rights and responsibilities as a Certified Instructor (as outlined above). After you enter your email and check the "Agree" box simply click the "Send" button to be automatically re-directed to the downloads page."