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Fluid Circular Movements NATURALLY Unwind Tension From Your Muscles, Remove Pain From Your Joints, And Restore Ageless Mobility To Your Body!
Experience Pain-Free Living Again!
One evening while teaching a self-defense class I experienced a crippling injury to my lower back. As a result, I was carried out of my martial arts school that night.
For the next five long years, I was unable to throw a single punch or kick … actually I was barely able to walk … and certainly unable to do any of the things in the video above!!
On my journey of P-A-I-N I tried every healing technique known to mankind: physical therapy, prolo therapy, inversion therapy, massage therapy, cranio-sacral therapy, hydro therapy, chiropractics, acupuncture, rolfing, reiki… heck, I even tried hypno therapy. Nothing worked!
Eventually I went to an “expert” in Beverly Hills and had a $90,000 back surgery. But even after the surgery and 12 months of rehab, I was still in the same boat, unable to walk and in constant pain!!
To be honest, I was psychologically at the end of my rope.
After trying everything, including the hopeful surgery, I found myself buried under a pile of medical bills, I had gained a ton of weight, and my relationship tanked… my life was miserable, no… U-N-B-E-A-R-A-B-L-E!
I don’t know if you’ve ever been at a point where you’ve considered ‘checking out’?
I was there: depressed, scared, angry and feeling like I’d never get my life back!
You see, before my injury I had owned and operated a very successful martial arts academy with over 300 students. Finances were great! I was in the best shape of my life! Teaching mixed martial arts and self defense to women and children was my passion! But, after the injury, I lost it all! Mostly I lost my sense-of-self.
I guess that’s what happens when you feel like you’ve lost your identity. The person you once were is gone… and with physical pain, well it can feel like you are trapped inside a prison… the prison of your own body!!
(arrggh… although you probably can’t see it, I was suffering on every level)
One evening, crawling on the floor trying to get to the bathroom, I’d had enough. “That’s IT” I thought – “I’m done! I’m fed up! I’m sick AND tired of this physical and emotional pain.” I began considering my exit strategy!
This really freaked me out… because I’d never, EVER in my life had such a thought go through my mind. I was absorbed in a hopeless moment.
BUT, something deep within pulled me back from that dark place. It was my Karate teacher’s voice in my head: “You show me a quitter, I’ll show you a loser!” He used to yell this out in class when I was a younger man… and it hit me, like his lightning fast kicks used to – it was a wake-up call right to my head!
I realize this may sound pretty heavy to some folks, but his words were the inspiration and reminder I needed to keep going… to keep searching for a way out of my “hell”.
That same night I came to a profound realization that my misfortune could somehow become a huge opportunity. I made a deal with the Divine: Show me a way to heal… and I will do everything I can to pay-it-forward by helping others to also overcome their pain.
I decided that night to keep seeking for a solution to the pain and become someone who could, through example, be an inspiration for others and help them break-free and overcome their seeming insurmountable challenges.
With this newly inspired vision I kept looking (and inwardly asking) for direction. I believe that when we surrender to something bigger than ourselves (and our pain) a shift in our lives can take place.
After that night of Soul searching something definitely shifted. I was lead through a series of amazing discoveries about the mind-body-spirit connection. It was a bizarre process, kind of like following messages left for me to find a treasure… but, I followed them and eventually my journey of pain became a journey of healing!
-Zen Quote
Along this journey of healing I investigated techniques for the body, such as natural healing herbs, vital energy foods, raw food diets, qigong healing movements, self applied ‘movement-massage’ techniques, healing breathwork exercises and musculoskeletal strengthening exercises.
However while studying everything I could find on developing the healing potential of the body I also deepened my understanding of how the mind can be used in healing. I was blown away by what is possible when the power of the mind is unified with the energy-force of the body… especially when also guided by spirit.
Gradually my understanding of this mind-body-spirit trinity expanded, and I learned how to integrate all three into my healing process. The realization that all three are needed explained why, in the past, each singular modality had failed me.
I found that by (1) gently unwinding the tension from my tissues (the body), while (2) combining the power of the breath (the spirit) and (3) focusing on releasing fear in the brain (the mind), I was able to remove the reactive-pain-patterns that had been trapped within my body-mind for all of those years!
This discovery freed me from my prison of pain, I got my life back and found a way to pay-it-forward by creating the Martial Yoga: Movement Medicine program.
The Martial Yoga: Movement Medicine program meets you where you are physically. The training is divided into three sections (1) Standing Series, (2) Lying Series, and (3) Sitting Series.
If you are in a lot of pain, begin with the Lying down Series. That’s where I began. If you have low-level nagging pain then you can jump right into all three sections!
Gradually, as you unwind the tension from your tissues and release the reactive patterns (mental blueprints) from your brain, you will begin to reclaim your natural range of pain-free motion and mobility.
Today, I get to live full-out again: working out, running, jumping and teaching martial arts. I am so happy to say that there is a way out of your pain prison!
I created this program as a guide so you can apply the same mind-body-spirit movements that helped me SO much in the healing journey. If you have been suffering from chronic pain in your muscles and joints, please give the Martial Yoga: Movement Medicine program a try… it could be the missing link for you too!
Live Fully and Love Fearlessly,
Tristan Truscott, Sensei
…one of the best ‘gentle movement’ programs I have ever experienced–and I’ve done many!
Personally, Martial Yoga, Movement Medicine is one of the best ‘gentle movement’ programs I have ever...I have had lower back problems for over 20 years!
Through the Martial Yoga, Movement Medicine stretching exercises… along with proper breathing techniques…I have dramatically improved the quality of my life. I am able to do all the physical exercises...
It made me feel incredibly straight, light, and bright!!!
I just did my first practice session for the lying position in Martial Yoga. It made me feel incredibly straight, light, and bright!!! You really did an awesome job putting these exercises together! Thanks again!
… took me from immobility to absolutely no pain whatsoever within about a week…
I was having increased back problems for about 6 months. Sharp pains in my lower back that got so bad I could barely move and I couldn’t sleep...
PLUS. I’d Like to Give You Four More Things….
As My Gift To Help You Get Out of Pain and Heal!
#1: Foam Roller Pain Relief
In this video program you will learn how to use a Foam Roller to release tension from tired, soar and overworked muscles.
With the pressure created by your own body weight, you can use a foam roller for your back, hips, legs, arms, and other parts of the body, to release muscle knots. It can also be used to increase balance and core stability.
*Available with Immediate Online Access & Download (Foam Roller not Included).
Real Value: $47
#2: The Healing Affirm-A-Vision™
Affirm-A-Visions™ are digital vision boards that use an advanced process to integrate everything you love about vision boards, meditation, affirmations, visualization, self-hypnosis and brain entrainment technology, giving you the perfect tool to yield incredible mind altering results, in under 7 minutes.
One of the main reasons the Healing Affirm-A-Vision™ is so powerful, and why it can help your mind and body reach the perfect state for healing, has to do with the special Brainwave Entrainment Technology included.
*Available with Immediate Online Access and Digital Download.
Real Value: $47
#3: The Power of Qigong eCourse
Discover the world’s most powerful way to Supercharge every cell in your mind and body… while boosting Healing and Vitality… in just minutes.
With this ancient “moving meditation” taught by Sensei Peter Ragnar and Sensei Tristan you get a jam-packed 3-Part “CHI” Building Video eCourse PLUS a “6-Step Energy Blueprint” to get your healing life-force energy elevated to its highest level.
*Available with Immediate Online Access
Real Value: $97
#4: The Healing Kit
In this Healing Kit we are including Sensei Tristan’s Breakthrough Sound Breathwork Training. The materials will gently guide you through a healing process to elicit a deep relaxation response – by recalibrating the signal between your body and your brain.
The Sound Breathwork Technique is Easy to learn YET extremely powerful at helping relieve pain, aches, discomfort, and injuries.
*Available with Immediate Online Access.
Real Value: $147
Order Below, Totally Risk Free!
*You get instant online access to all of the high quality digital videos – there’s nothing to download*
The benefits of martial yoga are worth thousands of dollars – well, actually priceless!
I’m willing to get this course to you for less than an office visit to your doctor! $197.00 $177.00 $147.00
*PLUS $338 in Real Value Healing Bonuses*
🔐 All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.
Order now, you have nothing to lose. You’ll have 30-days to give the program a try. All the risk is on me as it should be. If you are not completely satisfied, return the course for a full refund!
Disclaimer: The information posted here on by Satori Method is not intended to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or even advice. You should always consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about any medical condition. Never make changes before conferring with your Doctor. We are not making medical claims on this website and encourage our viewers to make well informed decisions about their health. An educated person with an open outlook makes a healthier world.