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Plus See The Exclusive Bonuses Below!

Unlock The Power To Heal & Thrive In Every Area Of Your Life!

Master the S.A.T.O.R.I. Life-Mapping System to Consciously Design A Life You Love (Powered by Life-Force Energy)

Time-tested for 20 years with 1000s of students globally.

“While I very much appreciate the wealth of information they bring to the table, the part that I most value is that their teachings come from the heart, something I look forward to sharing with my students. Thank you Trisbrina for the Love that you share.”

– Kim Declair

This is your invitation to join us for a 12 week immersion!

Is There A Way To Truly Heal & Thrive In ALL Areas Of Your Life?

You’ve heard the personal growth gurus say “let go and let it flow” but in your busy everyday life, there are a million different things screaming for your attention — right now you’re just doing your best to hold things together!

Perhaps you’re feeling chronic physical pain, stiffness in your joints, or paralyzing tension…

And that’s just your body.

Or perhaps you’re dealing with recurring negative habits and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in a passionless job, or stressing about money, or facing relationship problems…

You’ve been trying to tackle each thing one at a time: trying some physiotherapy here, coaching there, maybe adding in some affirmations… with a splash of cardio fitness when you can find the time…

You see some improvement here and there just doesn’t cut it, it’s not long before everything goes back to the way it was: achy back, self-sabotaging patterns, nagging addictions and emotional reactivity.

Besides, it’s too much! When did healing become a full-time job?

You’re secretly wishing there was a magic wand that could take all that away…

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Because deep inside you know — YOU DESERVE MORE from this life!


You long for REAL transformation; finding something that will help you unlock your full potential…

Something that will reconnect you to the Source of life itself… but is it really possible?

Is there really a way to experience unlimited joy and unconditional love?

Or is it total BS that we can have a vibrant body, expansive abundance – and the kind of life you’ve only dreamed of?

What if all of the ailments that plague you have one common root cause… and with the right understanding you can eliminate them all at ONCE?

You guessed it, the answer is 100% YES! And it has to do with your life-force ENERGY and how it is flowing through your body (or not).

The truth is… Energy Disruptions are what keep you from living the life you were meant to live.

The Real Reason Why Limiting Beliefs And Negative Patterns Keep Coming Back…

There’s a reason why people get stuck in a loop of self-sabotaging behavior, or “automatically” repeating negative habits, even when they know they shouldn’t…

And there’s a reason why these habits, limiting beliefs and patterns don’t go away after countless meditation sessions, typical life coaching or talk therapy…

It’s because most coaching programs and conventional methods ONLY address the person’s thought patterns. They totally miss the importance of the energetic imbalances that cause people to loop in restrictive patterns!

You see, to heal and transform your life it’s not enough to understand the principles of success, and the importance of clearing limiting beliefs…

You must also know how to find and clear those beliefs trapped in the body’s energy system!

You see over time our negative thought patterns become embedded into the very tissues of the body and they block our energy channels (aka meridians), causing unconscious looping patterns and emotional instability…


When your energy becomes BLOCKED it leads to mental AND physical problems, such as body pain, stiffness, fatigue, dis-ease, worry, anxiety and a host of other emotional struggles.

That’s why by starting the transformational journey through the energy body we can unlock an incredible energetic potential. There’s an unexplored component of our bodies that holds untapped potential for healing and change: a tissue called the “fascia”.

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The fascia is a system of connective tissue that sits below the skin, surrounding and holding our body parts together. It’s primarily made up of collagen and water and has ramifications going through our muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments. Our entire body is connected through the fascia!

When this fascial tissue gets too “tight” or “pinched” it interrupts our normal energy flow, forming a blockage that prevents our body from healing itself and functioning in an optimal way.

These fascia “knots” are the physical representation of internal reactive patterns that are stored in our tissues – but they directly affect the MIND!

However, when you release the “knots” connected to the negatively charged thought patterns in the body, you liberate that trapped energy and re-establish a healthy flow.

When the trapped ‘thought-energy’ is freed up, your body can use that energy to heal. But even more, breaking those energy shackles is often a visceral experience that leads to mental and emotional feelings of freedom, joy and love.

This experience by itself sends signals to the brain that something new is happening…

New information. Evolved thoughts. Greater freedom!

This is a physio-mental recalibration that could never take place with typical talk therapy or life coaching processes alone. This is something on a totally different level.

It’s something organic, that comes from unlocking your true power and aligning with your inner knowing.

And using simple ways of releasing stuck, blocked or pinched-off energy in the physical body, combined with powerful mindset techniques is a double-whammy that’s the fastest way to mental clarity as well as physical transformation.

It’s Like Getting A Total Mind-Body-Spirit Makeover!


The Life-Force Ninja Program

Life Force Ninja

This is a unique online program that helps to re-establish the correct flow of energy – resulting in a healthy body, a sharp mind and an expansive spirit…

Which in turn, uplifts every area of your life and creates a new reality for yourself.

Inside this program, you’ll be guided step-by-step through our S.A.T.O.R.I. system and learn the energy principles, mental tools and physical techniques to heal your life from the inside out.

Our S.A.T.O.R.I. system was born out of a combination of ancient healing energy arts, cutting edge philosophies, medical and behavioral science, plus our experience with movement.

“ENERGY. The World’s BEST Way To Heal Your Life From The Inside Out”

This is NOT just another “theoretical” course about mindset or limiting beliefs, nor is it an “exercise” or physical training program – instead, it’s a holistic system of life transformation.

It targets the root cause keeping you in negative loop patterns (energy blockages) and uses the path of least resistance (the body) to shift your energy, rewire your brain for optimal wellness and happiness, and create lasting change.

When You Become A Life-Force Ninja, You Will…

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Eliminate pain without drugs or nasty side effects. Unleash your own mind-body-magic through gentle movements and effective techniques.

Break out of negative “automatic” patterns keeping you stuck. Release the limiting beliefs and stagnant energy trapped in your tissues that perpetuate self-sabotaging behavior.

Become the master of your life. Get out of the “reactive mode” and diminish the control your emotional triggers have over you.

Start manifesting all of your desires. When you understand how to direct your life-force energy correctly you can use it to manifest optimal health in the body and more joy in all areas of your life.

Experience greater mental resilience and focus – lift brain fog and enjoy a sharp, clear mind at every moment of your day (no more afternoon slump!)

Feel years (or decades) younger with a stronger, more flexible and supple body.

Shield your mind against stress, anxiety, and overwhelm – and quickly come back to calm, inner peace and clarity in any situation.

Tap into your inner source of self-love. Feel nurtured, blissful and supported in your everyday life.

Get an immediate boost of energy and experience greater vitality and zest for life.

The benefits of this program are profound, and soon you will discover how this energetic practice shifts every single aspect of your life… including abundance, relationships, vocation, intimacy and your sense of purpose. When your energy flows the right way, it’s “the rising tide that lifts all boats”.

What Makes this Program Different from Other Courses?

There are tons of personal growth and manifestation courses out there — the most unique aspect to this revolutionary transformation training is the SATORI Life-Force Map. It is such an important and fundamental part of understanding how to work with your life-force work and shape it into the goals and dreams you deserve to experience.

Folks say studying the Map is where they get their BIG light bulb moments because they see how all of the things they’ve been working on tie-in together – and everything finally makes sense.

We’ve been told by countless people over the years that our Map changed EVERYTHING for them! The MAP provides a new, fresh and ultra-clear way to approach and achieve healing, health, love, and success! It’s like having a blueprint for conscious manifestation so you can shape your life-force energy into whatever you desire!

S.A.T.O.R.I. Mastery Map
Mastery Map

Where did the S.A.T.O.R.I. Map (that plays such a huge part of this training) come from? How did it evolve? Why is it such an important part of the system and how does it work?

The S.A.T.O.R.I. Map was revealed to Tristan and Sabrina piece by piece as they reverse engineered Tristan’s miraculous healing. Over time they were shown incredible insights for mastering your energy flow, increasing your physical vitality, and focusing your conscious and subconscious mind so you can shape your energy (QI) into whatever you desire!

With this Life-Force Map you’ll have a clear approach to achieve healing, health, love, and hapiness! It’s not uncommon for folks to say: “I did not realize how much learning I would receive from the S.A.T.O.R.I. MAP.” It’s such an awesome tool to keep going back to and working with on your journey.

The Map is your compass to understanding and implementing the life-changing principles and techniques of the S.A.T.O.R.I. system for life transformation.

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“I think that [S.A. T.O.R.I. ] MAP is friggin BRILLIANT. The entire building & explanation of it – just brilliant. And I’ve been on a journey and had a lot of modalities, was feeling overwhelmed but you gave them all order – amazing. Did I say BRILLIANT?”

Mary H
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“Wonderful insights!. Your map really puts all of this into a brilliant and beautiful conceptual light… a tangible depiction on the evolution of our consciousness. Thank you both so very much who you are and for the difference you are making in this world. I am very excited about working with you!”

Naomi S

“When You Get Off Track… The MAP Gets You Back!”

Life-Force Energy Discovered...

Tristan and Sabrina

Back in the year 2000, Tristan Truscott was forced to end his martial arts career due to a crippling back injury. Tristan and his wife Sabrina’s entire lives changed overnight. The most basic movements (such as walking) became insurmountable obstacles for Tristan.

For 5 long years, they searched for a solution to end his extreme pain, in addition to the mounting emotional pain that comes along with ongoing physical pain. After many dead-end roads (including a $90,000 surgery by top doctors) they were led to the ancient life-force energy arts.

What they found not only freed Tristan from his prison of physical pain – but they also discovered a method of personal transformation that healed not only the body, but also the mind!

How did this happen? Tristan’s transformation was so immediate and so lastingly effective (he is completely free from physical and emotional pain today) because the chronic issues were stuck in the tissues!

When the trapped life-force energy was liberated – there was a complete and holistic transformation of the body AND mind.

Today Tristan and Sabrina (also known as Trisbrina) are paying it forward by helping as many people as possible discover this holistic mind-body approach for health, well-being and personal transformation.

They have packaged their discovery into a doable time-tested program that everyone can now benefit from – based on their S.A.T.O.R.I. Life-Force Mapping System

In a Nutshell:

This program is called: Life-Force Ninja. It combines modern-day science with ancient energy healing methods. This highly effective approach liberates the trapped energy in the body, re-establishing its healthy flow.

Once the energy is freed, there is a release of the negatively charged thought-patterns from the body! The end result? More energy, more clarity, more mobility and ultimately more joy!

The Life-Force Ninja Program includes 6 powerful Pillars of transformation, plus 9 Mental Processes and 9 Physical Life-force Activators which makes this a complete and comprehensive program for tapping into your full energetic potential!

Imagine What A Total Mind-Body-Spirit Makeover Feels Like…

You start to experience great joy and genius, with a deeper knowing of what to do, and when to do it… now from a place of absolute certainty. The previous limits of doubts and beliefs are no longer holding you back.

You’re free from old chronic pain (both physical and emotional) and your body is healing naturally – leading to more health, vibrance and youthfulness.

As your energy increases your sleep patterns normalize… and every day you wake up with renewed vitality and optimism.

Your energy rises, and so do all of the external conditions in your life. Why? Because as your inner world evolves your external world reflects that new state of heightened consciousness.

A new Energy emerges. A new Identity.

You align with the energetic frequency of the version of you who HAS the things you desire. Old negative patterns are gone, and a new identity is birthed.

Imagine What A Total Mind Body Spirit

This evolution shows up in every area of your life, and now your relationships with family and friends are harmonious – plus your relationship with abundance shifts, so money starts flowing to you in ways you have never experienced before.

You’ve also tapped into a deeper connection to a higher power…

Suddenly you’re tapping into phenomenal levels of clarity, creativity and consciousness that you had never known before outside of a peak experience!

Now you have the ability to reconnect to the Source of life itself – and you have the power to dramatically change the course of your entire life!

Yes, all of this is possible for you… and so much MORE.

This is what happens when you re-establish the healthy flow of energy. It can be simple, once you know how!

Inside the Life-Force Ninja Program You’ll Get Lifetime Access To:


The Life Mapping Pillars

6 Life Mapping Pillars

These are the pillars of life-force transformation, the first critical elements that must be set in place to unlock lasting change and sustainable growth in every area of your life. Training in these time-tested, S.A.T.O.R.I. pillars of life transformation will turn you into a masterful life-force ninja!

(Real Value $5,000)


Pillar #1

THE ENERGY SCORE (The Energy Assessment Tool)

The first step of a journey is to find out where you’re starting from. Doing a quick “Energy Assessment” you can calculate your current Energy Score to see (and feel) where your life-force energy setpoint is right now. This simple tool shows you ‘How You Doin’ on an energetic level for all the key areas of your life.

Pillar #2

THE SUCCESS SEQUENCE (Step By Step Daily Rituals)

When working with energy and life force, following a specific sequence is critical. Taking a deeper look into the center of the map (aka your Energy Engine) explains each stage and why SEQUENCE is so important. The S.A.T.O.R.I. sequence reveals the modalities and practices that are most effective at each stage for achieving the greatest success with lasting changes.


Pillar #3

THE PATH TO MASTERY (How to use Goal Setting)

There’s an art to developing a practice that you can really stick to. As with any practice, there are cycles of waning motivation so what can you do when “staying on the path” seems more challenging? We show you how to have a stronger follow-through, more motivation and the ability to consistently “master” your practice.


Pillar #4

MENTAL KUNG FU (Mindset Mastery Process)

“Voices in your head” can become so ingrained that they live, not only in the mind, but they also become embedded into the body. Mental Kung Fu is a powerful S.A.T.O.R.I. pillar that gives you the exact process to recalibrate those thoughts, worries, angst and mental disturbances (that live in the head and the body) and finally get out of these looping habits.


Pillar #5

WHY WORK TRAINING (Uncover Core Motivation)

When you’re upgrading your mind or behavior, it’s important to identify the things that truly light you up and unearth more of what you really WANT in this life. That’s why learning to go within and listen to that wise inner self is one of the MOST important aspects of the S.A.T.O.R.I. Life-Force system. When you learn to listen from the inside out, you get to the heart of who YOU are.


Pillar #6

SATORI STORYBOOK (Stepping Into An Upgraded Identity)

As you learn who YOU are, we help you in creating the Book of You (which we call your Satori Storybook.) You’ll take all of your WHY work and the core desires you’ve uncovered and shape them into a beautiful book that serves as a Soul Guidance roadmap for your life. With your own personal map of where you want your life to go, manifesting that life reaches a whole new level.


Life-Force Physical Activators

9 Life Force Physical Activators

Life-Force PHYSICAL Activators are simple yet sophisticated physical techniques that will “activate” and spark life-force in the body, and get energy circulating and flowing in a healthy way.

Use these S.A.T.O.R.I. life-force activators to help unblock your physical and energetic body so that old destructive habits and pain can be relinquished.

With these techniques you can:

Get more oxygen flowing in the entire system for increased energy and healing;

Flush the lymph system to get rid of toxins that are being held onto;

Open energy channels to release stagnant blocks for improved energy circulation;

Learn breath-work techniques for calming or arousing the energy as needed;

Release stress and ingrained habits that are trapped in the tissues;

Encourage energy to move in the right direction and in a balanced flow;

Open the heart for increased empathy and creativity;

Activate a Coherent connection between the heart and the brain;

Stay psychologically grounded as the energetic frequency ascend;

Raise the vibration of your thoughts and feelings by shifting state

(Real Value $3,000)


Life-Force Mental Processes

Life-Force MENTAL Processes deconstruct and release old, stuck, limiting thoughts while unlocking clarity to give you complete mastery over your mindset! Use these 9 Mental process trainings to quickly get clear, focused, happy, hopeful, and back into an empowered state to create.

These processes include techniques to help you by:

Freeing those stuck in a rut of their own looping thoughts;

Rewriting inner dialogue that disempowers rather than empowers;

Creating the future by being fully present in the NOW;

Shifting unproductive emotional states FAST;

Clearing money blocks on an energetic and mindset level;

Healing with ChiFT™ (adding the extra energy component makes it like EFT on steroids);

Releasing unresolved memories and the need to hang onto things that don't work for them;

Healing relationships that can be mended and better identifying those that should be let go;

Forgiving and moving forward with both themselves and others;

(Real Value $3,000)


LIVE Coaching (Plus Recordings)

The Life-Force Ninja training is a self-paced online program that will take you through our proprietary S.A.T.O.R.I. system of life transformation to shift your energy flow and unleash deeper change in all areas of your life.

PLUS in order to ensure your success with this program you will get Live Coaching with Trisbrina, where you’ll receive their loving support through the training!

You’ll get access to all of the LIVE Coaching (known as Interactive Labs) and the recorded video lessons so you can master the components of the S.A.T.O.R.I. system: the Life-Force Pillars, Mental Processes and Physical Activators — all connected to the incredible S.A.T.O.R.I. Life-Force Map!

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“I want you to know that you have changed my life! Despite years of working with energy and healing, I got insights which allowed me to find more pieces of the puzzle I am putting together in this lifetime. With love, gratitude and many blessings.”

Ania S
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“Most of the things I learned I would’ve NEVER figured out on my own. This was truly an amazing eye-opening experience, not just because of the knowledge I’ve gained, but also the belief and confidence that I can take it to the next level, and the bonding with an incredible group of people. It was very inspiring, unique, ingenious and a total BLAST! I’m so much further along because of it. Anyone contemplating this should definitely go for it, you will be glad you did! Thank you Tristan and Sabrina!”

Donna R

LIVE Interactive Labs (on ZOOM)

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With the LIVE Interactive Labs (on ZOOM) you’ll have real-time sessions to help you master all of these incredible life-force pillars, processes and activators. Each coaching session takes the training deeper with fun exercises that help you easily retain everything!

Orientation and Quantum Manifestation Equation: September 21st, 2024
Live Labs: Dates TBD – Weekend Afternoons

The Curriculum Flow: (Itinerary)

PHASE ONE : The Pillars

Unlock Phase One Video Trainings

Live Zoom Session on Pillars 1-3

Live Zoom Session on Pillars 4-6

PHASE TWO : The Physical Activators

Unlock Phase Two Video Trainings

Live Zoom Session on Physical Activators 1-4

Live Zoom Session on Physical Activators 5-9

PHASE THREE: The Mental Processes

Unlock Phase Three Video Trainings

Live Zoom Session on Mental Processes 1-4

Live Zoom Session on Mental Processes 5-9

(Real Value $6,000)

Orientation and Quantum Manifestation Equation: September 21st, 2024
Live Labs: Dates TBD – Weekend Afternoons

LIVE Labs: S.A.T.O.R.I. Pillars

Call with girl
The Pillar Labs are “deeper dive” Zoom Sessions where you can ask questions about the 6 S.A.T.O.R.I Pillars. You will have opportunities to practice the newly learned skills and get feedback in real time. There are also hotseat invitations for attention from Tristan and Sabrina. You’ll discover how to blend the PILLARS perfectly into your lifestyle regardless of age, or previous experience.
Real Value $2,000

LIVE Labs: Mental Processes

During these “deeper dive” Zoom Sessions of these life-changing Mental Processes you’ll have the opportunity for questions and answers PLUS there will be spotlight coaching available as well. The real-time support will help you remember the nuances when you want to use one of these processes to quickly release blocks and return to a perfect flow of pure positive energy.
Real Value $2,000

LIVE Labs: Physical Activators

The Life-Force Activators are magnificent energy exercise to quickly transform your physical state, calm your energy, shift your mood, raise your vibration, release blocks (including around health and money), and FEEL where inner guidance is leading you. These LIVE Lab sessions are a combination of Q&A, practice time, physical demonstrations and spotlight coaching.
Real Value $2,000

Meet Your Master Teachers

Tristan Sabrina

Tristan and Sabrina Truscott (also lovingly known as Trisbina 🥰) are masters at activating the body’s natural life-force energy or “Qi” for physical, mental and emotional strength and resilience.

Their world-class expertise in the healing arts was forged in the fires of excruciatingly painful personal experiences — specifically Tristan’s crippling back injury that left him pretty much immobile and Sabrina’s debilitating anxiety.

Years of experimenting with conventional methods that failed to provide lasting results (including a $90,000 surgery for Tristan!) left them frustrated and afraid that they’d never find a solution.

But just as things seemed hopeless, Tristan happened to chance upon the ancient art of Qigong.

It turned out to be a happy accident that changed everything — eventually setting them both free from the physical, mental and emotional challenges they’d been struggling with for years. 

Tristan and Sabrina’s Qigong Strong™ program and proprietary QiPower Flow process were developed based on their personal experiences plus decades of helping thousands of clients and students live happy, healthy, active lives.

This program has already helped people of all ages, including those in their 60s, 70s and 80s, to heal their bodies and regain youthful energy and vitality using gentle, easy-to-do exercises that take just a few minutes to complete!

You May Be Wondering What Type Of Investment Is Required For This Robust Program...

Before we tell you what the investment is for the Life-Force Ninja program we want you to know that we’ve invested thousands of hours and thousands of dollars learning these life-transforming skills.

Over the past 40 years we’ve deeply studied these arts and coached thou- sands of people and the results we can help you get are nothing short of mi- raculous. We’re not bragging, it’s just what happens over time when you stay committed to the work.

In case you don’t already know, for 5 years Tristan could barely walk and struggled with crippling back pain every day. As an actor in Hollywood Sabrina battled with anxiety, addiction, and eating disorders for many years… it led both of us on this deep search for a true solution to life’s most challenging mental and physical burdens.

On the other side of this journey we discovered an incredible method… and now we want to share our discovery with you AND show you EXACTLY how to coach yourself into a powerful life transformation. We’re talking about pre- dictable, long lasting changes!

And to help you get even greater results with this life transformation system you’ll also receive…

4 Exclusive Bonuses

Use These Bonuses To Enhance Your Transformation! When your brain understands the science behind Affirmations, Visualizations, and how the Subconscious Mind works, it yields faster results that stick!
(Listen while Driving, Walking, doing Chores or at Bedtime)

BONUS #1 - The Power of Visualization Book

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In the Power of Visualization you’ll discover the secrets of how to use your subconscious mind and the power of visualization to be the architect of your own life. You’ll discover how easy it is to create a blueprint of the life you want to build, and then watch it take shape around you with ease and perfection.

The Power of Visualization Manifesto includes both the eBook + Audiobook versions.

(Value: $97) YOURS FREE!

BONUS #2 - The Power of Affirmations Book

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The Power of Affirmation reveals exactly what affirmations are, why they work, and how to create powerful affirmations for your life in the right way, so that your brain adopts them is real and true. Through step-by-step exercises and real life examples, you’ll discover how easily your life will transform to the life you deeply want and deserve.

The Power of Affirmations Manifesto includes both the eBook + Audiobook versions.

(Value: $97) INCLUDED FREE!

BONUS #3 - The Power of the Subconscious Mind

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BOOK + AUDIO BOOK: Practical, easy-to-understand techniques and real-world case studies to show how changing your thought patterns can produce dramatic improvements in your life. This book, by Dr. Joseph Murphy, highlights the vast influences that your subconscious mind has on all aspects of your existence – healing, well-being, money, relationships, jobs, happiness – and how you can apply and direct its power to achieve your goals and dreams.

Professionally recorded as an audiobook for your ease of absorption while driving, doing chores or working out!

(Value: $97) YOURS FREE!

BONUS #4 - The Raise Your Energy Routine

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This 15-minute Qigong moving meditation includes full body tapping, joint mobility, full body breathing, spinal rolls, standing meditation and more! The background music is beautiful and there are verbal voice-over instructional cues. Following the Qigong routine there are 2 guided meditations that include a powerful process called the mystical orbit to help heal relationships. You’ll use this routine on repeat for a lifetime!
(Value: $127) INCLUDED FREE!

The Super Bonus

SUPER BONUS - The Life Force Dojo

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3 Month Membership in our Life-Force School (aka Dojo)

This is our Virtual Dojo! Think of the Dojo as your ‘energy gym’ for your personal energy practice – up leveling your physical, energetic and spiritual fitness for everyday life.

You can attend up to 4 classes each week (Qigong, Meditation, Fitness Fusion, Satori Strong™) in our Online Academy to create a new inner and outer reality for yourself! (attend(live or enjoy the session recordings).

We know that the more we can support your personal mind-body wellness routine the more transformation you’ll be able to experience! There is a $1 activation fee for this 3 month Bonus, and you are invited to continue in the Dojo at the reduced 50% off rate (Reg $197/month). *Current Dojo members receive 3 months added to their current membership.

(Value: $591) YOURS FREE!

Time Sensitive
Fast Action Event Below!

EVENT ONLY BONUS - The Ninja Circle

The Ninja Circle

3 Month Membership in our Ninja Circle!

Once you have been through the 3 Phases of the Ninja Program: The Pillars, The Physical Activators and the Mental Process, we will continue to support your journey with this Super Bonus of 3-months in The Ninja Circle. This is an invitation only program and only for people who have been through the LifeForce Ninja Course!

The Ninja Circle includes a MONTHLY MASTERCLASS on ZOOM, helping you develop your Life-Force skills with personal coaching with Sensei Tristan. It is the perfect program to implement everything you have learned so that it sticks for the rest of your life!

(Value: $591) YOURS FREE!

True and Lasting Transformation is as Easy as 1, 2, 3.

What is the time commitment?

With bite-size lessons and flexible access, you decide when and where your learning happens. You can even listen while you’re walking, driving, cooking or gardening.

It never feels like a rat race – plus you have forever access to the trainings inside of our membership Academy, and you can return to the trainings as often as you like!

Here is an example of weekly time commitment:

1 Watch pre-recorded trainings – 45-60 minutes a week

2. Personal practice time – 20 minutes a week

3. Attend the optional Live Zoom Q&A Coaching Labs. Or listen to the recordings at your convenience.

We know your Life is busy so we have made this program very convenient and easy to do.

”It’s Time to Unlock The Power To Heal & Thrive In Every Area Of Your Life!”

Ok, Let’s Review Everything You’re Getting with this Robust Life Mastery Program:

The Ninja Essentials

6 Life-Mapping Pillars

Value $5000

9 Life-Force Activators

Value $3000

9 Life-Force Processes

Value $3000

LIVE Interactive Labs

Value $6000

Ninja Essentials

Total $17,000

4 Exclusive Bonuses

Power of Visualization Book

Value $97

Power of Affirmations Book

Value $97

Power of the Subconscious Mind

Value $97

Raise Your Energy Routine

Value $127

4 Exclusive Bonuses

Total $418

The SUPER Bonus

3 Months in the Life-Force School (Dojo)

Value $591

The Super Bonus

Total $591

The FAST ACTION Bonus (disappearing soon!)

3 Months in The Ninja Circle (Includes Monthly Zoom Masterclasses & Movement Mastery)

Value $591

Bonus Not Reflected in Grand Total

Total $591

Total Value: $18,600

YOUR PRICE: $18,600

For A Limited Time Just


(that’s $16,603 in savings!!)


Deadline to register and get the super bonuses is Friday, September 20th, 2024

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Get Started Today!

Flexible Payment Plan

Get Started TODAY for Just


(6 payments of $397)


One-Time Payment


(Save $385 compared to the multi plan)



All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

When you enroll in the Life-Force Ninja program we guarantee that you will be fully supported through this training.

Because your enrollment secures a spot for you, it also reduces the number of spaces we can offer, therefore we can only extend refunds 7 days prior to the start date of the program. Because we deeply care about the learning experience we never oversell or overcrowd our programs.There’s also a lot of time spent in LIVE sessions with us personally to guarantee your success!

There’s No Waiting To Get Started! Introducing The Satori Method Academy ~ Your Convenient Learning Center

We’ve harnessed today’s advanced membership technology to make it SO easy for you to learn! As soon as you place your Life-Force Ninja order you’ll get instant access to the program from inside our online Satori Method Academy.

It’s here that you can access all of the videos, audios and recorded live lab trainings from ANY computer and ALL of you mobile devices. And what’s even better… there’s no downloading needed, nothing to install and no waiting to get started!

Life Force Ninja

Instant access to all of your course materials in the Satori Method Academy.

Simple login… works for all of your courses because everything’s in one place!

Take your training with you… the lessons stream on all your mobile devices!

Lifetime access to your courses… never worry about losing a disc or manuscript.

No shipping fees, or international duties fees or customs delays on digital orders.

Total support… we’re just a click away from inside your member’s area!

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve designed this Life Force Ninja training for people who want to transform their lives with lasting changes because it’s from the roots – at an energetic level. Those open to using these Life-Force tools and principles to make truly profound and lasting changes in all areas of their life.
This entire Ninja program is taught online, which means you get to master your skills from the comfort of your own home, office or studio. Plus, with the advancements of today’s video streaming technology, we’re able to give you ongoing support through virtual video feedback.
Yes, but this is also a partially self-paced program – there are pre-recorded lessons that serve as a foundation for you that you can watch anytime you wish at a rhythm that works best for you. There will be convenient live sessions with Tristan and Sabrina (also recorded for those on time-shifted schedules) where they walk you through the curriculum and answer any questions you might have. The sessions in your Bonus Life-Force Dojo are live and recorded, and you’re more than welcome to join these right away!

Yes! You can revisit the lessons at any time to integrate this life-changing wisdom even deeper. Keep in mind that the Bonus access to the Life-Force Dojo is limited to the length of time offered on this invitation page (you can of course extend that membership after your bonus period has concluded).

If you love the energy arts and deeper transformation, then yes, this program is perfect for you! You can do this!

We will immediately send your login information. Once you login you’ll see the welcome video that will give you a short run-through of the best ways to get started. And don’t worry about a thing, take a soothing breath, and know that we’ve got you! We are here for you every step of the journey and will provide you with access to everything you need to get incredible results!

The virtual, live, in-person zoom sessions are conveniently scheduled during the first 3 months after you have enrolled – spaced apart as you progress through the programs to handle your questions as they come up and help you fully understand what you’re learning.

Simply log into the private Satori Method Academy from your cell, iPad/tablet or computer — the Academy works best with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. You can watch and listen to all of the training on any of your devices, you just need an internet connection.

The program is self-paced but the pace we recommend is to take a minimum of 90 days.

Yes! If you have an internet connection, you’re good to go!

No! However we do offer several different monthly memberships, so if you have one of those memberships it will be on a separate billing from this training. BTW, all of our monthly memberships have an easy email cancellation policy.

Because your enrollment secures a spot for you, it also reduces the number of spaces we can offer, therefore we can only extend refunds 7 days prior to the start date of the program. Because we deeply care about the learning experience we never oversell or overcrowd our trainings.

Yes, so long as it is within the first 30 days after your enrollment date.

Yes! We are 100% here for you and we feel blessed to have you here. If there is anything we can answer for you, please just ask us: [email protected]

The Life-Force Ninja program will absolutely help you if you suffer from chronic pain, stiff joints, or arthritis… or if your suffering comes from a mental or emotional root: anxiety, stress or worry. That being said, if you’re not in pain or you don’t suffer from major stressors, the S.A.T.O.R.I. system will ALSO create massive changes in your life. By unlocking old thinking patterns trapped in your fascia, and regaining control over your mind, you’ll unleash transformation in your life beyond anything you could possibly imagine.

No, you don’t have to be in shape to join, anybody is welcome! While the Life-Force Ninja program works through the body to achieve transformation, the techniques are gentle and anyone can execute them.

Actually, it’s SO much more! You see, most manifestation courses just teach you tools on how to use your mind to attract what you desire… but they leave out a massive source of energy you can use to manifest: your entire BODY! Inside the Life-Force Ninja program, you’ll learn how to get your energy flowing the right way again and tap into your body’s power to rewire your subconscious mind, integrate new empowering beliefs and attract your ideal life.

Here's What Expert Coaches, Therapists & Thought Leaders Are Saying About Tristan & Sabrina

John Assaraf
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“Tristan and Sabrina are masters of teaching others how to show up in a fun, authentic way that connects and moves people into taking inspired action. I’ve watched them grow and help thousands of people do the same. I couldn’t recommend them any more than saying, ‘they are the best’.”

John Assaraf

CEO NeuroGym™ & Feature Teacher from The Secret

Bob Doyle
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“Being part of the energy conversation, I had heard about Qigong for years… but this was my first experience of really FEELING it. Like “Oh My God.” Not just conceptually, but really feeling it in my hands. It was just an amazing experience. It gave me a whole new experience of the Universe…. That we can actually CONTROL energy, not that it’s just all around us. I could not recommend it more highly.”

Bob Doyle
International Speaker & Featured Teacher from The Secret
Peter Ragnar
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“Sensei Tristan Truscott has decades of experience helping untold numbers of folks reach deeper levels of meditation and inner peacefulness. I highly recommend his Art of Mushin meditation program for anyone looking to begin or deepen their meditation practice.”

Peter Ragnar

Qigong Master & Internationally Recognized Author

Christy Whitman
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“I was in the studio today and the very last video I needed to record was important and I was also getting tired. I couldn’t get the words out. So I did your Qigong! I came back more focused and my energy was exactly where I needed and wanted it to be. THANK YOU!”

Christy Whitman

New York Times Best-Selling Author & Transformational Teacher

Garin Bader
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“If you’re truly passionate about amping up your energy levels and consistently engaging your highest levels of thought consciousness then Satori Qigong: The Flow Form is in my opinion… A Must Have Course!”

Garin Bader

Creator of CoreForce Energy

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“I interview a lot of people and you two have influenced me more than any of them. You truly ‘live’ the mind, body oneness–and that is my life. Thank you, I love you both!”

Cindy Kubica

Energized Living Today, Speaker & Author)

Jonathan Anderson
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“Satori Coaching has given me a new perspective on foundations that I built my own counseling practice on; it has allowed me to find a deeper honesty about my own intentions, motives and ways to clear the blocks to levels of success that before were only enjoyed in areas of idea. It helped me to incorporate action, not just ideas, into living life rather than just thinking about it.”

Jonathan Anderson

LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)

June Burgess
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“Tristan Truscott – you are the most fabulous, clever, eloquent and brilliant coach (and just person) that there has ever been!! I have been floating since our call last night. The stuff you came out with was incredible! It’s verbal gold dust. I just love it and I am so flipping’ grateful, it’s untrue. I could never have found someone who is so brill and is turning what I’m doing inside out. I think I’ll have to get a trademark on it all because it’s going to be so mega. I am very, very grateful and very excited.”

June Burgess

Business Coach

Chris Sajnog
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“The Art of Mushin is an amazing course on meditation from my friend and mentor, Tristan Truscott.”

Chris Sajnog

Retired Navy SEAL Chief and Best-Selling Author

We Can Help You Have a Total Mind-Body-Spirit Makeover! But Don't Just Take Our Word For It... Read What Others Say About Working with Us

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I wanted to let you know that I was so happy with the life-force coaching we did. I got something valuable out of every single session and truly learned life tools that I can now apply to all types of situations in both business and personal life. As I told you, even though we finished our program, I would like to continue the coaching with you, because I think the rewards of it are “ten times” the cost and time I put into it. I would absolutely recommend your life-force program to anyone without any hesitation.

Larry T
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This is the only program I’ll ever need to make better choices for myself. I now have the tools to CHOOSE my reactions rather than be ruled by old programs. At my age, many people have given up on feeling great inside and out – but not me! I’m so grateful that I said YES to becoming a LifeForce Ninja. This program is worth 100x what I invested!
Cheryl K
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Your coaching certainly has had an awakening effect on me. A decision was made to do things differently. Then simply I began by preparing and eating healthier foods at every mealtime. Along with this I incorporated a daily practice of soft Qigong, meditation, journaling and an emotional state that is more observing of self. These daily practices have had a profound effect on me and my life today, for this I am truly grateful.
Bruce K
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“I want to thank you two for the wonderful coaching… I found myself in tears of complete inner joy. You two really care!! I am still in just awe over all of this and the week that I have had. I am so calm, patient and focused. My husband is ECSTATIC with me. One of my employees even said something to me about how calm I am and how I am handling and dealing with some very stressful issues.”
Dustie Z

Are You Ready To Shift Your Life?

After going through our healing journey, we noticed that not only had Tristan melted away his crippling back pain… but Sabrina also converted her experience of anxiety into a powerful guidance system that helped her get on track and stay on track.

Our entire lives shifted completely.

We realized we couldn’t just keep this to ourselves – it was our soul’s purpose to share this powerful method with the world.

So we created this comprehensive program as a guide so you can apply the same mind-body-spirit movements and principles that healed AND transformed our lives!

If you’ve been suffering from chronic pain, stiff joints, reduced mobility or if your body feels sluggish and little by little aches have been creeping in with age, this program will help you.

Living pain-free is absolutely priceless…

Still, there are many options out there that promise you the relief you’re craving.

You could spend $1500 for 10 sessions of physical therapy…

Take another energy healing program starting from $2,500…

And that’s only your body – if you want to upgrade your mindset and create your best life, you could spend $3,000 on a group coaching program, or $1,800 for 3 months of therapy sessions.

Instead, we’re offering you the same path Tristan took to regain his mobility, wellness, flexibility, and strength… and Sabrina to find her intuition and inner peace…

PLUS the abundance, creativity, joyful relationships, and fulfilling life that you’ve desired for so long… you’ll pinch yourself and wonder if you’re dreaming!

This is the path that gave us our lives back (and turned it into a dream life) – at a fraction of the cost.

Now, everything we’re including in this program is actually worth $18,600.

But that’s NOT what you’ll invest. Not even close.

We told you we wanted to make it as easy for you as possible to transform your life – and we mean it.

So we’re making you a huge discount right now… but it’s only for a limited time!

This is only the second time we have ever offered this program… instead of it being $18,600, you’ll be investing ONLY $1,997!!!

That’s $16,603 in Savings!

*(You can also Get Started Today for JUST $397 with our Flexible 6 Payment Plan)*

This discount is our way to thank you for putting your trust in us…

Next time we offer this program, this discounted price will be different.

This is the Opportunity of a lifetime, so enroll TODAY before it’s too late!

Please don’t wait. If you’ve read this far then the energy within you is aligning with this opportunity – trust your heart – go for it!

We’re 100% ready to support you!

Much Love,


Enroll Now And Grab This Massive Discount!

Just choose an enrollment option below and you’ll be taken to our secure platform where you can safely complete your purchase.

After that, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details to access the program materials – including the flexible time options for the LIVE coaching sessions and replays!

If you’re ready to release physical pain, eradicate stubborn limiting beliefs, get out of negative habit patterns and finally start living the life you deserve, then start your journey today.

*You get lifetime online access to all of the high-quality training in the program*

Start Your New Life TODAY!

TOTAL VALUE: $23,009

Right Now You Can Save Over $21,012

Get Started Today!

Flexible Payment Plan

Get Started TODAY for Just


(6 payments of $397)


One-Time Payment


(Save $385 compared to the multi plan)



All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

Meet Your Coaches... Trisbrina

This is the story of our Life-Force Journey and why we do what we do.

After many years of studying martial arts and the mind-body-spirit connection, Tristan Truscott was granted the coveted level of Black Belt and went on to build a thriving Martial Arts Academy. However in the year 2000 Tristan was forced to end his martial arts career, due to a crippling back injury.

Even after five years of intense pain and an unsuccessful $90,000 surgery by the best doctors, Tristan pushed onward seeking a solution to his crisis. In the year 2005 he finally had a healing breakthrough that helped him reclaim his health and begin teaching again. Tristan discovered that the focus of the mind when unified with the energy of the body is the greatest transforming power we have, if developed correctly.

Today, along with his wife Sabrina Truscott, they joyfully teach people their breakthrough body-mind-aligned system (Satori Method) for physical healing, energy clearing and conscious manifestation.

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