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Want to feel younger, stronger and healthier than you have in years?

Activate the Ultimate Internal Energy Source, Reverse Years of Wear and Tear on Your Body, and Cultivate Strength, Balance, Flexibility and A Clear, Sharp Mind At Any Age

Supercharge Your Body with Extraordinary Life Force Energy and Learn How to Regain Youthful Vitality and Mental Clarity in One Weekend!

Live Online, June 22nd & June 23rd, 2024

*Includes Forever Access to Replay Recordings & Routines*

What If Growing Older Is Optional?

Imagine what would happen if you could turn back time and get rid of the “inevitable” signs of growing older?

What if you could arrest and reverse the aging process to re-experience the incredible energy and vitality you used to feel every single day and do all the things your younger self accomplished without a second thought?

Sounds great but unless someone happens to invent a time machine, you know it’s totally out of the question! The truth is…

Your Younger Self is Long Gone And With Every Passing Year Simple Daily Activities Become Harder To Do Like…

Walking upstairs. Your body feels stiff and climbing more than a few steps at a time leaves you feeling tired and out of breath

Reaching for things on high shelves. It’s why your go-to ingredients and utensils are on the lowest shelves in the kitchen!

Lifting anything that weighs more than a few pounds. Sometimes you have a hard time picking up your kids or grandkids and it breaks your heart

Getting up off your favorite chair. It takes more than a few tries before you’re on your feet and it feels like you might lose your balance any second

Opening jars and bottles. Whether it’s a bottle of pickles or a jar of face cream it feels like it’s totally sealed shut and it takes forever to get it open (why do they have to get the lid to fit so tight!)

Remembering names, dates, appointments and more. Sometimes it feels like your mind is a sieve! You can’t be sure if you’ll remember unless it’s written down

It’s not like you haven’t tried to do something about all of this…

Maybe You’ve Tried Yoga, Superfoods Or Whatever the Latest and “Greatest” Age Reversal Trend Happens to Be

And maybe you’ve seen some positive changes in your body and mind.

But have you noticed that none of these methods help you become holistically stronger and more youthful while supporting you to keep getting healthier and fitter in the long-term?

3 Core Aging Accelerants You Need to Know About

Science tells us that the aging process in the body and mind is related to 3 Core Aging Accelerants:


Core Aging Accelerant #1

Muscle Loss + Reduced Bone Density

Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) causes people to lose up to 3% of their muscle mass each year, beginning at 30.

This decline speeds up after 60, and by 75, older adults can lose up to 50% of their total muscle mass.

Studies also show that muscle loss reduces bone density which contributes to conditions like osteoporosis and osteopenia. The overall result? A frail, weak, aging body that’s prone to injuries

Core Aging Accelerant #2

Diminished Balance and Flexibility

Lack of balance is common among senior adults due to low joint mobility, poor flexibility and reflexes and reduced strength in the abdomen, lower back and hips.

As a result 1 in 3 adults over 65 fall, and over 50% of those aged 80 and above fall at least once a year.

Even more disturbing — studies show that falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries for people aged 65 and over.

Core Aging Accelerant #3

Fuzzy Mind Syndrome

Clear thinking skills peak in the late teens and 20s and start to decline right after.

Diminished cognitive abilities including memory issues are well under way at age 40 and continue to speed up year after year causing serious challenges in clear thinking and processing abilities.

Why Popular Anti-Aging Methods Don’t Work

You’ve been told popular workouts for a youthful body and other anti-aging techniques like eating specific foods and taking supplements can protect you from the mental and physical effects of getting older.

But that’s not entirely true.

While practices like yoga, strength training, or superfoods bring many health benefits, none of them address all 3 Core Aging Accelerants.

For instance gentle Yoga moves can give you flexibility and balance but limited improvement in strength or memory loss. 

Strength workouts can help you fight muscle loss but you gain little to no flexibility.

Adding superfoods like blueberries to your daily diet can improve your memory but it does nothing for your balance and flexibility.  

So if these well-known anti-aging methods don’t work, where does that leave you?

How to Fight The Effects of Aging… and Win!

Ever heard of the story of the mom who single-handedly lifted a car to save her child trapped underneath? Where does that superhuman strength come from?

How about stories of remarkable, logic-defying endurance, toughness and agility in people who are well into their golden years? 

Like the woman who ran her first marathon at 76 and, at 91, broke the record for fastest time for someone in her age group…

Or the 80-year-old man who climbed to the top of Mount Everest? 

So many people fight the effects of aging and lose but there are those who fight the good fight… and win! How do they do it?

Whether they realize it or not, these amazing people are tapping into an incredible internal energy source to accomplish unbelievable goals.

It’s an energy that lies dormant in all of us until it is either unknowingly awakened with an intense, motivational force…

Or it is intentionally activated. This energy is called Life Force Energy or Qi.

The Ancient Secret to Becoming Superhuman

Qi is the ultimate energy source in the Universe and it exists in all of us. 

Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is the key to unlock and intentionally develop this remarkable energy hidden deep inside.

Qi means “life force” while gong means “to cultivate” and so Qigong is essentially the art of cultivating your life force energy

Rooted in Chinese martial arts, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong is a proven practice that’s been around for thousands of years.

It typically involves meditative, circular movements, stretches and mindful breathing to achieve vibrant health and well-being…

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

In ancient China, Shaolin monks tapped into Qi energy using traditional Qigong movements to achieve superhuman status.

They could effortlessly poke holes in tree trunks with their fingers, withstand massive blows to the body without flinching and combat intense pain and discomfort without breaking a sweat!

The great news is, the traditional Qigong practice ancient warrior monks used to accomplish miraculous feats can also be adapted to resolve all 3 Core Aging Accelerants!

With key modifications and enhancements, traditional Qigong becomes a powerful “youth elixir” that can quickly increase strength, promote balance and flexibility, and encourage clear thinking at any age.

The Proven Process to Arrest and Reverse Aging

Fitness Image
Flow Balance

Discover QiPower Flow...

QiPower Flow is a proven-to-work process that combines the best of traditional Qigong with the balance and flexibility of T’ai Chi, the muscle-building power of strength training…

And the mind-enhancing elements of meditation and breathwork!

It’s the best of ALL worlds and when you work with QiPower Flow you can look forward to seeing significant positive changes in your overall health and wellbeing in just a few minutes a day.

QiPower Flow is at the heart of a holistic and absolutely unique practice called Qigong Strong, designed to supercharge your Qi energy, unlock your full physical potential and harmonize body, mind, and spirit!

Welcome to the

Qigong Strong™
Virtual Weekend Immersion

Feel stronger and more youthful, balanced and flexible than you have in years (or even decades!)

Live Online, June 22nd & June 23rd

Qigong Strong is a live 2-day virtual experience that will work for you no matter what your age or fitness level!  And attendees will have forever access to recordings.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to boost muscle and bone strength, improve balance and flexibility and significantly sharpen your mind…

So you can start feeling stronger, younger and more agile right away!

The secret sauce behind Qigong Strong™ is the unique QiPower Flow process, which seamlessly integrates circular strength training with light weights, empowering balancing poses and stances

And gentle, graceful dance-like movements that create rapid results in ways that are doable and FUN. Together let’s “Get Strong & Stay Strong!”

In addition to everything you’ll learn over one life-changing weekend, you’ll also get forever access to a private student portal with Professional Recordings of the entire weekend plus high quality videos of the 8 essential routines in Qigong Strong™.  

You’ll be able to return to your student portal whenever you want to and choose to work with one or more of these routines at any time to build greater health and vitality for the rest of your life!

With the Qigong Strong Live Online Experience You’ll

Arrest and Reverse Aging in The Body and Mind

Work with the unique QiPower Flow process which integrates the best of traditional Qigong, Circular Strength Training, Balance and Flexibility skills, and more to resolve the 3 Core Aging Accelerants and reverse the aging process in your body and mind.

Develop Muscle and Bone Strength in the Shortest Possible TIme

Learn to effectively engage multiple muscle groups at the same time (with light weights) so you can improve your muscle and bone strength in the shortest possible time (no need to spend hours doing weight training at the gym!)

Improve Brain Health for Clear, Focused Thinking At Any Age

Have lots of fun with dance-like movements that artfully combine gentle physical activity with cognitive challenges to promote the mind-body connection and improve  brain health for clear focused thinking at any age.

Achieve Optimal Health Even If You Haven’t Exercised in Years

Work with flowing, energy efficient, Low-Impact movements to maximize your physical and mental prowess and achieve optimal health even if you haven’t exercised in years (or ever!)

Perform Daily

Perform Daily Activities Without Pain, Stress or Strain

Practice non-linear exercises that mimic real-world activities, versus linear “gym-based” exercises like running on a treadmill, to quickly improve flexibility and joint mobility so you can easily do all of the things you love.

Enjoy unshakeable

Enjoy Unshakeable Balance And Never Feel Afraid of Falling

Develop profound body awareness for precise control over your movements, core stability in the abdomen, lower back and hips and unshakeable full-body balance so you never have to be afraid of falling.

Awaken Life Force Energy to Naturally Heal From the Inside Out

Release trapped energy in your cells and tissues and awaken the ultimate energy source — your Life Force Energy or Qi —  to naturally heal your body from the inside out and tap into youthful vitality at any age…and MUCH more!

How The Qigong Strong Weekend Immersion Works


What to Expect Over 2 Empowering Days

The Qigong Strong Virtual Weekend Immersion shows you how to unlock your Life Force Energy to heal, strengthen and energize your body and mind

So you can return to an optimal state of radiant health and joyful well-being!

With the expert guidance of 2 devoted, world-class experts and teachers — Tristan and Sabrina Truscott — you’ll learn to revitalize your body and mind even if you’re in your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond!

Unlike anything you might have seen before, Qigong Strong is essentially a collection of 8 game-changing exercise routines that incorporate Sabrina and Tristan’s unique QiPower Flow process.

The result is a fun, transformative weekend experience where you’ll discover a variety of daily movement practices designed to help you improve your strength, balance, flexibility and brain health in just a few minutes a day

No matter what your age or fitness level!

Sneak Peek!

A Look Inside the Qigong Strong Virtual Weekend Immersion

Qigong Strong is a live fully immersive virtual experience.

You’ll have the chance to ask questions in real-time and receive expert guidance, and tips to get the most out of this no matter your health and fitness level.

Whether you’re 25 or 85, you can expect to see improvements in your strength, balance, flexibility and more… even before the weekend is over!

Here’s a sneak peek at the 8 powerful routines in Qigong Strong™

Routine #1: Wake-Up & Flow

A wonderful way to start your day, this routine energizes your muscles, enhances joint mobility, and releases fascia tension to promote flexibility, strength, and overall vitality.

Routine #2: Rooted Warrior

The Rooted Warrior includes poses and stances to anchor your body and build stability in your core, legs and spine. This routine also opens up your hips for an increased range of flexibility so you can confidently perform everyday activities like lifting and bending.

Routine #3: Dragon Power

Featuring circular strength and dance-like movements, this routine combines ancient Qigong and T’ai Chi with light weights the result is an amazing activation of your QiPower that enhances the strength, endurance and mobility of your arms, shoulders, spine and legs.

Routine #4: Dragon Flow

Dragon Flow is the Dragon Power routine, but now done without weights. This approach opens the life-force channels and further activates QiPower Flow, unlocking an incredible feeling of FLOW so you can perform daily tasks without pain, strain or stress.

Routine #5: Balance Master

These dynamic balance drills greatly increase the strength of your legs, spine, core and hips, while reducing the risk of injury and falls. You’ll build incredible stability with moves that are fun, focused and functional and help you move with grace, agility and confidence.

Routine #6: Tiger Tendons

Tiger Tendons is a series of empowering poses and “holds” to quickly strengthen tendons of the arms, shoulders, hips and legs. Not only do they help reduce chronic pain and promote joint health, but also build stamina, improve posture and align the spine for enhanced energy circulation.

Routine #7: Combat Contractions

The isometric contractions and extensions in this routine involve tightening and holding specific muscle groups without moving the joints. You’ll boost strength, flexibility, and muscle endurance plus promote clear thinking and stress relief for physical and mental well-being.

Routine #8: Samurai Strength

Picture a Samurai using his sword to powerfully slice through the air and you’ll get an idea of what this routine is about! These moves are amazing for your core, build stamina and strength for the lower body (legs and hips) and improve range of motion in your upper body (arms and shoulders).

Meet Your Master Teachers

Tristan Sabrina

Tristan and Sabrina Truscott (also lovingly known as Trisbina 🥰) are masters at activating the body’s natural life-force energy or “Qi” for physical, mental and emotional strength and resilience.

Their world-class expertise in the healing arts was forged in the fires of excruciatingly painful personal experiences — specifically Tristan’s crippling back injury that left him pretty much immobile and Sabrina’s debilitating anxiety.

Years of experimenting with conventional methods that failed to provide lasting results (including a $90,000 surgery for Tristan!) left them frustrated and afraid that they’d never find a solution.

But just as things seemed hopeless, Tristan happened to chance upon the ancient art of Qigong.

It turned out to be a happy accident that changed everything — eventually setting them both free from the physical, mental and emotional challenges they’d been struggling with for years. 

Tristan and Sabrina’s Qigong Strong™ program and proprietary QiPower Flow process were developed based on their personal experiences plus decades of helping thousands of clients and students live happy, healthy, active lives.

 Qigong Strong has already helped people of all ages, including those in their 60s, 70s and 80s, to heal their bodies and regain youthful energy and vitality using gentle, easy-to-do exercises that take just a few minutes to complete!

Dramatic Results for Students of All Ages!

Green Quote Icon
“My mind and body are tingling with joy!”

Thank you for the Qigong Strong session and high praise for my body for seeing me through the session. My mind and body are tingling with joy!

Green Quote Icon
“I have yet to feel the need to take my daily Tylenol!”

Since doing this program I feel different — better! I have yet to feel the need to take the daily Tylenol. Wowwee! Thank you for your knowledge, energy and amazing hearts. I’m full of gratitude

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“I was never someone who enjoyed going to the gym… this is something I can do … I am motivated to continue!”

I was never someone who enjoyed going to a gym or attending classes. This is something I can do in the privacy of my home and I can choose when I do it around my work schedule. Because this workout is challenging and fun, I am motivated to continue!”

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“I’ve seen my blood pressure lower … I can also carry my groceries without my arms hurting like they used to!”

I’ve seen my blood pressure lower on a consistent basis. My balance has improved, and I can tell that my bones and muscles have strengthened by the mere fact that I can stand from a crouching position without my legs hurting and shaking. I can also carry my groceries without my arms hurting like they used to!


Enroll Today and Get these Exclusive Bonuses

BONUS #1: The Seated Sage Routine

Want some Seated Strength Training? Boost Your Strength from the Comfort of Your Chair!

For those days when you’re feeling extra tired or if you have mobility issues.This highly effective routine strengthens and heals the entire body from the comfort and support of a chair using  gentle, mindful movements. Weights may be used for the upper body. This routine is inspired by Sabrina’s 86-year old father who struggles with severe mobility, dementia, and balance issues.


The Sneaky Strength Session shows you how to “sneak” low impact mini workouts into your daily routine so you can see results without adding to your to-do list. 

In this fun session, Sabrina shares her pro tips and tricks to get stronger, healthier and happier while doing everyday activities like making dinner, shopping for groceries or even while watching TV!

Feel Stronger, More Youthful, Balanced & Flexible in Just One Weekend!


The Qigong Strong Virtual Weekend Immersion

Live Online, June 22nd & June 23rd, 2024

*Includes Forever Access to Replay Recordings & Routines*

Here’s a recap of everything you'll receive when you register now:

Learn to reverse aging with world-class experts Tristan & Sabrina Truscott

Forever access to the replays and routines, so you can watch again and again

A risk-free unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee

Fast and friendly customer support anytime you need help

Limited Time
2-Pay Early Bird Offer

Enrolling today for just



Limited Time
1-Pay Early Bird Offer

Enrolling today for just



Order Now

Enroll Today for Just


Payment options
Order Totally Risk-Free - Full 100% Money Back Guarantee

🔐 All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

The Qigong Strong Virtual Weekend Immersion is For Anyone Who Wants To…

Effectively arrest and reverse the aging process so the rest of their life can be the best of their life!

Gain the full health benefits of working out at the gym without spending a ton of time, effort or money

Naturally and safely overcome conditions associated with aging like osteopenia (loss of bone density) and sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)

Stay youthful and strong year after year and continue living an energetic, active independent life into their 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond

Experience a gentle yet profoundly powerful and lasting way to heal the body and mind from the inside without relying on drugs and medication

Why Join the Qigong Strong Weekend Immersion Now?

Qigong Strong is the ONLY program where you’ll learn to unlock your Life Force Energy or Qi

And overcome all 3 Aging Accelerants — loss of muscle and bone density, diminished balance and flexibility and fuzzy mind.

During this transformative weekend experience, you’ll discover 8 simple yet powerful (and fun!) routines to rapidly develop a strong, healthy, youthful body and mind no matter what your age.

You’ll have opportunities to get your questions answered by Tristan and Sabrina, receive custom guidance and suggested modifications to suit your unique body and level of fitness.

Throughout the weekend you’ll be surrounded by generous-hearted, loving, kind people of all ages who are devoted to doing all they can to be healthier and happier (just like you!)

We’ve found that practicing alongside a beautiful community in this way can create powerful positive results — we’ve seen unbelievable physical, mental and emotional changes happen in moments!

While we love offering Qigong Strong, we’re not sure when we’ll do this again in this way or if we’ll ever offer this program at this price point so NOW is definitely the best time to join us!

Do You Know Qigong Strong Comes With a Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee?

Yes, it’s true! We’re fully confident you’ll see results with the Qigong Strong Weekend Immersion so we’re offering a 30-day money back guarantee. This means you get to try the program and access the recordings and follow-along videos in your student portal for a full 30 days. If you’re not absolutely satisfied, simply contact us and we’ll issue a full refund (that’s 100% of your money back!).

Feel Stronger, More Youthful, Balanced & Flexible in Just One Weekend!

The QiGong Strong Virtual Weekend Immersion

Live Online, June 22nd & June 23rd

Here’s a recap of everything you'll receive when you register now:

Learn to reverse aging with world-class experts Tristan & Sabrina Truscott

Forever access to recorded replays you can watch again and again​

A risk-free unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee

Fast and friendly customer support anytime you need help

Payment options
Order Totally Risk-Free - Full 100% Money Back Guarantee

🔐 All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

Dramatic Results for Students of All Ages!

Green Quote Icon
“I was diagnosed with osteopenia… I took a bad tumble… I got up on my own without a broken bone or even a bruise. I credit Qigong Strong…”

I was diagnosed with osteopenia and initially I was concerned about falls. Then I discovered Satori and QiGong Strong. Exercising used to be a chore, now it’s FUN! I took a bad tumble on vacation, banged my kneecap and my palm but I got up on my own without a broken bone or even a bruise. I credit Qigong Strong for the strength of my bone density.

Green Quote Icon
“After years of back pain and shoulder injury, this feels like a true victory!”

I enjoy the variety of movements because it mimics the functional nature of “real life” with no problem. After years of back pain and shoulder injury, this feels like a true victory!

Green Quote Icon
“I started noticing less pain, much better sleep and of course much more energy.”

After a few days of doing your program, I started noticing less pain, much better sleep and of course much more energy. You have no idea how excited I am to wake up each day with no pain. I’ve told my family and friends about this already since I like to share things that have worked for me.

Green Quote Icon
“I have increased energy, endurance, strength, flexibility and better balance.”

I have Increased energy, endurance, strength, flexibility, better balance, decreased joint pain especially wrists, shoulders and knees, improved sleep. I love the variety, enthusiasm and inspirational approach.


Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Qigong Strong is a live virtual event happening online which means you’ll join us from the comfort of your own home! The event is taking place from 10am-4pm Central Time/8am-2pm Pacific

Not at all! We’ve gone to great lengths to make sure this experience is doable (and FUN!) for anyone at any age and any fitness level. We’ve also included lots of breaks throughout the weekend so you have plenty of time to rest and relax.

Do you want to arrest and reverse aging? How about feeling stronger, healthier, happier and more confident than you have in years? If your answers are yes and yes then Qigong Strong is made for you! This one-of-a-kind experience is also perfect  if you want a natural, effective way to overcome conditions like sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss), and you’re looking to build strong bones, improve your balance and flexibility and enjoy a clear, sharp mind for the rest of your life!

After the live online experience you’ll get forever access to the recorded replays in your private student portal along with high quality videos of Sabrina and Tristan guiding you through the 8 essential routines in Qigong Strong. You’ll also receive a downloadable guidebook with all the moves, techniques, and stances in the program for easy reference

We’re so glad you asked! Qigong Strong is the ONLY program that includes the QiPower Flow process which seamlessly integrates circular strength training with light weights, empowering balancing poses and stances and gentle dance movements that lead to rapid results. You’ll learn to boost muscular and bone strength, improve balance and flexibility and significantly sharpen your mind in minutes a day. So when we say there’s no other program like this out there we mean it!

No problem! You’re eligible for lifetime access to the replay recordings as soon as you enroll and you can watch at a time that’s right for you, or catch up on anything you missed. You’ll also have lifetime access to pre-recorded videos of Sabrina and Tristan guiding you through the essential routines in Qigong Strong. This means you can confidently continue your journey to becoming stronger, healthier and happier month after month (and year after year!).

You’ll receive an email from us with all the details you need to get the most out of this experience including the link to join us live online.

We recommend that you have a bottle of water within reach at all times. It’s also good to have a chair for support and 2 x light dumbbell weights (approximately 3 pounds each is great). It’s also good to have a notebook or digital device nearby to take notes.

One of the best things about the Qigong Strong Weekend Immersion is that it meets you where you are right now – regardless of your physical condition. The techniques and exercises in this event are gentle and easy to do and we’ll also offer modifications and tips on how to adapt everything you learn to fit your unique body and fitness level.

Feel free to reach out to [email protected]. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Here’s All The Goodness You’ll Receive When You Join the Qigong Strong Weekend Immersion

Teachings on how to apply the QiPower Flow process to arrest and reverse the aging process in your body and mind

Expert demonstrations, instructions, tips and feedback to get the most from the 8 core routines in Qigong Strong 

Experientially practice everything you learn, guided by Tristan and Sabrina inside a safe setting and from the comfort of your home

Get your unique questions answered and receive personalized insights and coaching directly from Tristan and Sabrina 

FREE Bonus Training: Stealth Workout Secrets
An exclusive training video on how to “sneak” low impact mini workouts into your daily routine so you can get stronger, healthier and happier without adding to your to-do list!

Feel Stronger, More Youthful, Balanced & Flexible... Learn How in Just One Weekend!


The QiGong Strong Virtual Weekend Immersion

Live Online, June 22nd & June 23rd, 2024

*Includes Forever Access to Replay Recordings & Routines*

Here’s a recap of everything you'll receive when you register now:

Learn to reverse aging with world-class experts Tristan & Sabrina Truscott

Forever access to recorded replays you can watch again and again​

A risk-free unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee

Fast and friendly customer support anytime you need help

Order Now

Enroll Today for Just


Payment options
Order Totally Risk-Free - Full 100% Money Back Guarantee

🔐 All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

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